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词汇 Insurance
例句 Insurance can represent a significant portion of the total price of a holiday.度假总费用里保险费可能会占据相当大的一部分。Insurance is an ongoing expense.保险是一项经常性开支。Insurance companies identify six main categories of driver.保险公司确定出司机的六大类别。Insurance can provide you with peace of mind.保险能够让你安心。Insurance payment for alternative healthcare is virtually non-existent.代替传统医疗保健的保险支付款其实并不存在。Insurance will safeguard your property.保险会使你的财产得到保障。Insurance companies are trying to recoup their losses by increasing premiums.保险公司正试图通过提高保费来弥补损失。You can demand to see all the Insurance Company's files.你可以要求查阅这家保险公司的所有档案。Insurance is a key part of Britain’s invisible export earnings.保险是英国无形输出收入的重要组成部分。Insurance was the last thing on my mind when we set off that day.我们那天动身的时候,我压根儿没想到要买保险。Insurance contributions are paid at a fixed percentage rate on all earnings.按总收入的固定比率缴纳保险费。Insurance companies are bracing themselves for an avalanche of claims following the hurricane.保险公司已准备好受理飓风过后接踵而来的索赔。Insurance firms must provide more information to policy holders.保险公司必须给投保人提供更多信息。Dear Mrs Cox, Re: Household Insurance. We note from our files that we have not yet received your renewal instructions.亲爱的考克斯夫人,关于房屋保险一事,我们的文件显示尚未收到您的续保通知。Insurance companies were slow paying out on claims for flood damage.保险公司在赔付洪水损害时拖拖拉拉。Insurance companies are having to shell out millions of pounds to the victims of the floods.保险公司将要向水灾的受灾者支付几百万英镑的赔款。Insurance for dangerous sports can be prohibitively expensive.危险体育运动的保险费用可能高得令人望而却步。If you have any queries about this insurance, please contact Travel Insurance Services Limited.如果您对此项保险有什么疑问,请与旅行保险服务有限公司联系。Insurance premiums will increase again next year.明年保险费又要上调了。Insurance companies face hefty payouts for storm damage.保险公司面临对暴风雨造成损害的巨额赔付。She learned her insurance had been canceled by Pacific Mutual Insurance Company.她得知自己的保险已经被太平洋互助保险公司中止了。Insurance is one of Britain's most profitable invisible exports.保险业是英国获益最大的无形出口之一。She's the president of the Iowa chapter of the Professional Insurance Agents' Association.她是职业保险经纪人协会艾奥瓦州分会的主席。




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