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词汇 instant
例句 At any given instant the distribution of molecular speeds is always constant under the same conditions.在相同条件下,分子速度分布在任何时刻都是恒定的。Fighting on the job could mean instant dismissal.工作时斗殴可能会立即遭到解雇。He paused for an instant before continuing.他停顿了片刻才继续下去。The medicine gives instant relief from pain.这药服后能立即解除痛苦。The workers are being threatened with instant dismissal.工人们受到了立刻被解雇的威胁。Get back here this instant/minute/second! 现在马上回到这里!I sat for a long instant frozen in horror.吓得我呆呆地僵坐了好半响儿。At that exact instant, all the lights went out.正好在那一刻,所有的灯都熄灭了。The bomb could go off at any instant.炸弹随时都可能爆炸。Would you prefer instant coffee?你爱喝速溶咖啡吗?His mask of detachment cracked, and she saw for an instant an angry and violent man.他冷静超然的伪装破碎了,一瞬间她的面前出现了一个愤怒而又狂暴的男人。His response was almost instant.他几乎立即作出反应。The show, despite some rough edges, was an instant success.虽然有一些瑕疵,演出还是一举获得了成功。At that instant the museum was plunged into total darkness.就在那时,博物馆陷入了一片漆黑。The current account offers savers instant access to funds.活期账户使存款人可以随时取钱。His gaze flickered for an instant.他的目光闪了一下。AOL also operates two other major instant messaging services.美国在线还经营另外两种重要的即时通信业务。Designer clothes are not a passport to instant glamour.名牌服装并不能让你倾刻间身价倍增。The comedy was an instant smash with critics.那出喜剧在评论界一炮而红。It took only an instant for him to react.他只在刹那间就作出了反应。An instant later the explosion occurred.一会儿之后,爆炸就发生了。For an instant, Catherine was tempted to flee.有那么一会儿,凯瑟琳很想逃跑。For an instant I was infected by her fear.有那么一会儿她的恐惧也传染给了我。Kodak, anxious to get in on the act, launched its own instant camera.柯达公司急于分一杯羹,推出了自己品牌的拍立得相机。For an instant, I forgot where I was.我一下子忘了自己身在何处。In that instant, he had a flash of inspiration: he and Tom would try and rescue Frankie themselves.就在那时他灵机一动:他和汤姆可以试试自己去救弗朗姬。He is truly the man of the instant idea.他确实是一拍脑袋即计上心来的那种人。He took out his keys to lock the door. At that very instant the door flew open and a man ran into the room.他拿出钥匙准备锁门,恰在此时,门突然被撞开,一个男子冲进了房间。The Irish had cooked up tinned bangers and instant mash.那个爱尔兰人用罐装的香肠土豆泥做了顿饭。His mind never let up for an instant.他思想上一刻也没有放松过。His attack on the manager led to his instant dismissal.他攻击经理使他当即丢了工作。It was all over in an instant.转瞬之间一切都结束了。She called the police the instant he left.他刚一离开,她就打电话报了警。His early relationships with women followed a pattern of instant infatuation, idealization and rejection.他早年和女人谈恋爱遵循着以下模式:先是一见钟情,接着视作理想伴侣,最后将其抛弃。She woke up the instant the phone rang.电话一响她就醒了。She felt an instant rapport between them.她感到他们之间初次见面便一见如故。Peter seemed to have an instant understanding of the most complex issues.就连最复杂的问题彼得好像也能立刻就明白。He had instant credibility with customers.他立刻就取得了顾客的信任。The modern technology of communications offers us instant knowledge.现代通信技术为我们提供顷刻即可获得的知识。I prefer proper coffee, not instant.我喜欢真正的咖啡,而不是速溶的。




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