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例句 I have not found a single instance where someone was actually denied their right to vote.我至今还未发现一个有人被真正剥夺选举权的实例。Mr Robins, suffering from selective amnesia about his role in the affair, was contradicted in nearly every instance by other witnesses.对于自己在该事件中所扮演的角色,罗宾斯先生患上了选择性失忆症,因此几乎在每次庭审中都会受到其他证人的反驳。You can't depend on her: for instance, she arrived late yesterday.她靠不住;举例说,昨天她就来迟了。These delays are just another instance of bureaucratic inefficiency.这些延误只不过是官僚主义效率低下的又一个例证。If you have any complaints, you should write to the manager in the first instance.如有任何意见,你首先应该给经理写信。In one instance, several people had their phones stolen.有一次好几个人的手机都被偷了。I did it at the instance of one of my colleagues.我是经我一位同事的提议才做了这件事。Now, take this car, for instance.现在就以这辆车为例。It is not always helpful to draw analogies, but in this instance it is useful.进行类比并非总能有所助益,但在这种情形下还是有用的。You may have questions which you wish to raise. For instance, who will oversee your work and how will feedback be given?你们可能有问题想要问,比如说,由谁监督你们的工作以及如何传达反馈意见呢?We need to rethink the way we consume energy. Take, for instance, our approach to transport.我们需要重新考虑我们使用能源的方式,例如我们的运输方式。I cannot recall any other instance in modern times in which a huge and mighty state crumbled to dust.我想不出当代还有哪个疆域辽阔、国力强大的国家像这样分崩离析、灰飞烟灭。Try to resolve the problem with the Tax Office in the first instance.第一步,设法解决和税务局之间的问题。In the present instance he took no notice of my abrupt vocal response.在目前这个情况下,他不去注意我那突兀的口头回答。Enquiries should be made in the first instance to the Human Resources Director.如需查询请先人力资源主管联系。In the first instance we had better make sure the calculations are correct.首先我们最好保证计算是正确的。We hope you will be able to meet our requirements in this instance.在这件事情中希望你们能满足我们的要求。These scholarships will normally be awarded for one year in the first instance, with a likely extension.这些奖学金通常一开始只颁发一年,有可能会延长。The transaction is voidable at the instance of the vendor.应卖主的要求此项交易被取消了。They just want attention. For instance, take the way they wear their hair.他们只是想引人注意,他们理的发型就是个例子。The appointment of research officer will be for two years in the first instance.研究员的初始任期为两年。In this instance, the lawyer's job is to make the jury doubt/question the witness's credibility.在这种情况下,律师的工作就是使陪审团对证人的可信度产生怀疑。In the first instance your child will be seen by an ear, nose and throat specialist.你的孩子将首先由耳鼻喉专科医生来诊察。There are some tasks which are your responsibility. For instance, it's up to you to dismantle furniture and take down curtains.有几件事情你来负责,如拆家具和取下窗帘由你来决定。In the first instance your child will be seen by an ear, nose, and throat specialist.首先,你的孩子将由一位耳鼻喉专科医生接诊。This is a classic instance of Dostoevsky's writing operating on two levels.这是陀思妥耶夫斯基的写作同时在两个层面上展开的典型实例。I am writing to you at the instance of my client.经委托人的请求,我现在写信给你。They have decided not to oppose the decision in this instance.这种情况下他们已决定不反对此决议。Lack of insurance is a problem for a lot of older people, like my grandmother, for instance.没有养老保险困扰着很多老年人,我的祖母便是其中之一。Anyone wishing to join the society should apply in the first instance to the secretary.任何人想加入协会都得先向秘书提出申请。Experts cite the country as an instance where human rights violations could lead to international intervention.专家们以该国为例,说明侵犯人权有可能招致国际干预。They intend to provide information, via the Internet for instance.他们打算提供信息,比如经由因特网。The rally was organized at the instance of two senior cabinet ministers.集会是在两位资深内阁大臣的敦促下组织的。This instance shows how important it is to check that the machine is working properly before you use it.这一事例表明在使用前检查机器运转是否正常有多么重要。Another instance of Charles's outspokenness was his attack on his sister's choice of husband.查尔斯心直口快的另一个事例是,他抨击妹妹择错了夫婿。Murder, theft and tax evasion, for instance, all have different motives and consequences.例如,谋杀、盗窃和逃税,它们都有不同的动机和后果。In the first instance, a letter from your employer may be all you need.首先,你所需要的或许只是雇主写的一封信。There are jobs more dangerous than truck driving, for instance, training lions.有些工作比开卡车还要危险,例如驯狮就是。The post was for one year in the first instance with possible renewal to a further year.该岗位初始为一年期,有可能会再续聘一年。An instance of this controversy occurred last year.去年出现过类似的争议。




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