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词汇 in private
例句 The soldiers were billeted in private houses in Sutton.士兵们被安排在萨顿的民宅中住宿。He can be very rude in private, though in public he's usually polite.他在大庭广众之前通常表现得彬彬有礼,但在私下有时会很粗鲁。He repeated in public what he had said to me in private.他把私下里对我说的话当众复述了一遍。I've never been a great believer in private schools.我从来都不是很相信私立学校。Can I speak to you in private for a minute?能不能单独与你谈一分钟?I tried to draw him aside so I could talk to him in private.我试图把他拉到一边,以便能和他私下谈谈。Could I speak to you in private a moment, John?.约翰,我可以单独跟你说一会儿话吗?I'd like to talk with you in private, if you don't mind.如果你不介意的话,我想私下里和你谈谈。He was shown the evidence in private and was invited to stand down.有人私下向他出示了证据,要他下台。Newman was devious, prepared to say one thing in print and another in private.纽曼阴险得很,明里一套,暗里一套。Guests at the camp can stay in private cabins or for a smaller fee in the dormitories.露营的客人可以住独立的营房,也可以住收费较低的集体宿舍。They murdered their evenings in private parties.他们把晚上的时间浪费在私人聚会上。Richard set up in private practice.理查德设立了私人事务所。Do you think the teaching in private schools is better than in state schools?你认为私立学校的教学比州立学校的好吗?The land between these mountains remains in private hands. 这两山之间的土地仍归私人所有。I'd like a word with you in private.我想私下里跟你谈一谈。My master ordered me not to deliver the message except in private.我的主人命令我务必私下里传递消息。Thousands of ex-army officers have found lucrative jobs in private security firms.数以千计的退伍军官在私营保安公司找到了收入不菲的工作。Jamie wants to speak to me in private.杰米想和我私下谈谈。The soldiers were billeted in private homes.士兵们被安排在民宅中住宿。The nurse pulled a screen around the bed so that the doctor could examine the patient in private.护士在病人床边拉上了屏风,使医生可以单独为病人检查。John sat down with him in private to cards and pigeoned him.约翰和他私下坐下来玩牌,并诈骗他。Let me speak to him in private.让我私下和他谈谈。What consenting adults do in private is their own business.到了法定性成熟年龄的成年人私下里做什么是他们自己的事。We would like to speak to you in private. 我们想私下与你谈谈。Anita seemed lost in private thoughts.安妮塔似乎陷入了沉思。To all appearances their marriage is fine, but I think she gives him a bad time in private.从表面看他们的婚姻很美满,但我觉得在私下里她不会给他好日子过。He asked leave to speak to her in private.他请求允许和她私下里谈。Could I speak to you in private a moment, padre.可否私下跟您谈谈,牧师。I ask him to desist from abusing me in private to newspaper editors.我要求他不再在私下向报馆编辑毁谤我。He posted in private carriages to London.他乘坐自备的四轮马车去伦敦旅游。She longed for the chance to speak to him in private.她渴望有机会和他私下交谈。He was reluctant to direct that the entirety of the injunction hearing should be in private.他很不情愿地指示整场禁令听证会应私下进行。That fellow can be very rude in private though in public he is usually polite.那家伙在大庭广众通常很有礼貌,但私下很粗鲁。Some of what we're talking about might better be discussed in private.我们要谈论的一些事情最好是在私下里讨论。The group conducts its affairs in private.这个组织暗地里开展活动。This does not necessarily imply that children achieve better results in private schools.这未必意味着孩子们上私立学校就会取得更好的成绩。The proceedings of the enquiry will take place in private.问讯将会秘密进行。They pray in private and don't advertise their faith by attending church.他们只在私下祈祷,并不去教堂做礼拜以凸显自己的信仰。The person concerned would be shown the evidence in private and invited to stand down.将会向有关人员私下出示该证据,并要求其暂时离开证人席。




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