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词汇 screech
例句 The car roared down the drive with a screech of tyres.伴随着轮胎发出的尖锐刺耳的声音,汽车沿着车道疾驰而去。There was a furious screech of tyres.传来一阵尖锐刺耳的轮胎磨地声。We heard a screech of brakes as Jill's car pulled up.吉尔的车停下时我们听见一声尖锐刺耳的刹车声。The machine began to spin faster and faster, with the grating screech of metal on metal.机器开始越转越快,金属相碰发出吱吱嘎嘎的刺耳声音。The figure gave a screech.那个身影发出一声尖叫。He heard the screech of brakes.他听到了刺耳的刹车声。With a loud screech, she smashed the plate against the wall.伴随着一声尖叫,她把碟子砸向墙壁摔得粉碎。The screech of modems is pure joy for these computer jockeys.调制解调器刺耳的声音对这些电脑操作人员纯粹是一种乐趣。There was the screech of brakes and then a tremendous bang.刹车吱的一声,接着是砰的一声巨响。From the trees there came a warning screech and the whole flock took to the air.那里的树丛传来引起警觉的刺耳声,然后整个鸟群都向空中飞去。He roared up the drive with a screech of tyres.他的车轰鸣着驶上私人车道,轮胎发出刺耳的声响。We heard the screech of brakes, followed by a loud crash.我们听到一声急刹车,接着就是巨大的撞击声。A screech of brakes jarred the silence.刺耳的刹车声打破了宁静。The figure gave a screech.那个人影大叫了一声。It makes my skin creep to hear the screech of brakes.听到刺耳的刹车声会使我的皮肤起鸡皮疙瘩。There was a screech as the car rounded a tight turn.汽车急转弯时发出了一阵吱吱的尖叫。Suddenly we heard a screech of brakes and saw the car swerve to miss the bicycle.突然间,我们听到一声尖锐的刹车声,看到一辆车猛然转向去闪避一辆自行车。




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