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例句 You must be certified in order to practice medicine.你必须持有证书才能开业行医。The committee will now retire in order to discuss these issues.委员会现在要闭门讨论这些事。Most countries try to preserve their international credit rating in order to secure necessary loans.大多数国家都努力维护国际信用等级以确保得到必要的贷款。We are laying plans now in order to be successful in the future.我们现在作好打算,为的是将来取得成就。The police are collecting clues in order to piece together the details of the day she died.警察正在搜集线索,以弄清她死那天的细节。People develop constructs as internal ideas of reality in order to understand the world around them.人们在内心构建关乎现实的构念是为了认识周围世界。Sometimes we bend the truth a little in order to spare them the pain of the real facts.有时我们会撒些小谎,以免他们知道实情会太痛苦。The organization is turning to political agitation in order to achieve its aims.这个组织正通过政治抗议活动来达到其目的。I checked my bags twice in order to make sure that I had everything.我检查了两次旅行袋以确保东西都带齐了。She disliked Dido but was prepared to tolerate her for a weekend in order to humour her husband.她不喜欢迪多,但准备暂时忍受她一个周末,以迁就自己的丈夫。She mortgaged her house in order to buy the restaurant.为了购买这家餐馆她抵押了自己的房子。Journalists have to work very quickly in order to meet their deadlines.记者必须手脚勤快才能如期完成任务。The government had to cut its coat according to its cloth in order to lower taxes that year.那一年政府为了减税只能量入为出。You need two witnesses in order to get married.你需要两个见证人才能结婚。The two nations developed a modus vivendi in order to avoid war.两国为避免战争达成了临时协定。His only explanation was that he must have brought them home in order to continue his work.他唯一的解释是,自己想必是为了继续工作而把它们带回家了。He hurried up his work in order to go home earlier.他匆匆做完工作以便早点回家。They made a financial settlement with the family in order to prevent a civil lawsuit.他们和这一家人达成经济和解,以免去一场民事诉讼。A new ruler might adopt a policy of drastically cutting back oil production in order to boost prices.新的统治者也许会采取大量削减石油产量以提升价格的策略。Their designers have pushed the limits of technology in order to create something new.为了创新,他们的设计师已经把技术发挥到了极限。Jack and Helen had dropped behind in order to be alone.为了单独呆在一起,杰克和海伦故意让别人走在前面。He wanted to leave the country in order to get some perspective on his troubles.他想离国他去,这样能对自己的困难有个正确的认识。Many a person straining under the burden of high interest rates in order to provide a shelter is being ripped off.许多为了供房而承受着高利率的压力的人都被狠狠敲了一笔。It was sisterhood that made her give up her own interest in order to send her younger sisters to college.是姊妹之情使她为了送妹妹们上大学而放弃了自己的利益。She had stinted herself in order to feed me.她自己省吃俭用来养活我。Plants need sun in order to grow.植物生长需要阳光。The US is sending troops overseas in order to keep the peace.美国向海外派兵维持和平。Anne raised her voice in order to be heard.为了让人能听得见,安妮提高了嗓门。I worked hard, lived frugally, and denied myself material goods in order to achieve financial security.我工作勤奋,生活节俭,不让自己享受任何物质上的东西,为的就是要有经济上的保障。The mayor is trying to encourage more commuters to use mass transit in order to alleviate traffic in the city.市长正设法鼓励更多的上班族使用公交系统以缓解城市交通。The king will have to clip his minister's wings in order to keep power himself.国王要保持权力就得限制大臣的权力。He wanted to return the insult, but bit his lip in order to avoid a scene.他本想回骂,但咬咬嘴唇按下了怒气以避免当众大闹。You can search the document for particular words or phrases, in order to get directly to the information you need.你可以在文件中搜寻单词或短语,以便直接获取所需信息。You don't buy a Jaguar in order to be pitched about and pinned back in your seat.你买一辆捷豹车肯定不会是为了来回颠簸,然后又在座位上动弹不得。Politicians drew strangely shaped boundaries, in order to give themselves an advantage in the next election.政客们把边界划得很奇怪,为的是使自己在下一届的选举中更具优势。The TV station is continuing to localize content in order to maximize regional sales.电视台继续对内容进行地方化,以期实现区域销售最大化。We used to wear as much make-up as we dared, in order to show off to our friends.以前我们为了在朋友面前炫耀自己,经常尽自己的胆量涂脂抹粉。The face of the witness was hidden in order to protect her identity. 女证人的脸部被遮住以免其身份暴露。You have to love in order to be loved.要得到爱,首先要付出爱。The council has said that jobs will have to be cut in order to balance the budget.委员会称必须削减职位以平衡预算。




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