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词汇 in no mood
例句 It's a gorgeous day, and I'm in no mood to clean the house.今天天气真好,我可不想在家打扫房间。Dad was in no mood for joking.爸爸没心情开玩笑。Brooks felt in no mood to be conciliatory.布鲁克斯感到没有心情和解。He was in no mood to celebrate.他没心情庆祝。She was in no mood to put up with Blanche's carping.她心情不好,受不了布兰奇的吹毛求疵。Quit teasing him. He's obviously in no mood for joking.别取笑他。他显然没心情开玩笑。They were in no mood to give a good goddamn about anything.他们无心过问任何事。I was in no mood for heroics after my fall and skied very slowly down the mountainside.我摔倒之后再也没有心情逞英雄,而是慢慢滑雪下了山坡。I tried to make him laugh, but he was in no mood for jokes.我尽力想逗他笑,可他根本就没心思听笑话。You kids had better shape up, because I'm in no mood to fool around.你们这些孩子最好规矩点,我可不想浪费时间。George was in no mood to be sociable.乔治没心情去应酬。




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