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词汇 initiatives
例句 It is feared that a political deadlock may petrify economic initiatives.人们担心政治僵局可能使经济丧失活力。You seem to be critical of the chairman's political initiatives.你似乎对主席政治上的积极行动持批评态度。He began his lecture by talking down the initiatives of a rival company.他在讲座一开始就贬低竞争对手的计划。The optimism generated by these initiatives has to be tempered by the historical background to the conflict.这些倡议引起的乐观情绪需要用该冲突的历史背景降降温。The Chancellor has introduced new policy initiatives to encourage enterprise through his previous five budgets.总理提出了新的政策倡议,用他的前五项预算来鼓励企业经营。Such initiatives remain the exception, rather than the rule.这些倡议依然是例外,而不是常规。After the last few attempts failed, the government is launching new initiatives to revive the economy.过去的几次尝试失败之后,政府又出振兴经济的新猷。Government initiatives to help young people have been inadequate.政府在积极帮助年轻人方面做得还不够。The European Investment Bank will provide finance for a variety of regional initiatives.欧洲投资银行将为许多地区性开发项目提供资金。The President finally had to accept that there was little support for his health care initiatives.总统最后不得不承认,很少有人支持他的卫生保健倡议。Recent initiatives have done a lot to improve the appearance of the district.最近的倡议对改善本地区的市容环境起了很大作用。The rejection of such initiatives indicates that voters are unconcerned about the environment.此类倡议遇冷表明选民对环境并不关心。However, the rationale for such initiatives is not, of course, solely economic.然而,这种提议的根据当然并不仅仅是经济方面的。In his statement, Brown unveiled a series of initiatives.布朗在陈述中首次提出了一系列的倡议。There should be ring-fenced funding for local crime prevention initiatives.应该有专项基金用于地方上的犯罪预防行动。We put a lot of hard work into local initiatives, and that's really starting to pay off now.我们为当地的这些倡议付出了很大的努力,现在开始真的有回报了。




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