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Cantona initially went on loan to Leeds United.坎通纳最初是借给利兹联队的。The company had a lot of problems initially, but they're getting there now.该公司起初有大量的问题,但现在已有所进展。An adverbial may be placed initially.状语可以放在句首。Alvin came here initially as a session musician, but he stayed on.阿尔文最初来这里是做录音乐师,后来他就留了下来。The reason I initially came here was to find work.我来这儿一开始是为了找工作。He was initially blackballed because of a dispute he once had with a couple of the committee members.最初投票否决了他的入会申请,因为他曾与委员会的几个成员发生过争执。I had initially thought I wanted to write novels.我首先想到的是我要写小说。The ban was initially opposed by the US.这一禁令首先遭到美国的反对。I don't remember who initially conceived the idea.我记不得最初想出这个主意的是谁。He faced the press, initially, in a somewhat subdued mood.他最初面对媒体时情绪有点忧郁。Our application was initially refused, but the city relented in the end and the permit was issued.我们的申请一开始被拒,但市政府最终同意并发放了许可证。The damage was far more serious than initially believed.损失比开始认为的要严重得多。Forecasters say the gales may not be as bad as they initially predicted.预报员说大风也许不像他们起初预报的那么猛烈。They offered her the job, initially on a temporary basis but later as a full member of the staff.起初他们聘请她做临时工,但后来就把她转为正式员工了。The motive for the missile attack was not initially clear.导弹袭击的动机最初并不清楚。Almost without exception, users of hard drugs initially smoked cannabis.几乎无一例外,那些吸食烈性毒品的人最初都抽过大麻。The trauma of the accident had initially destroyed his willingness to persevere.那场事故对他造成的创伤,最初摧毁了他坚忍的意志。His illness was initially diagnosed as food poisoning.他的病最初被诊断为食物中毒。Do not be surprised if, initially, she directs her anger at you.如果一上来她就冲你发火,不必惊讶。This theory was initially received with great scepticism by her fellow scientists.她的科学界同行最初对这一理论持有强烈的怀疑态度。George's response was initially adamant.乔治的反应开头很强硬。He was initially articled to a solicitor.他最初签约在一名事务律师手下实习。His response was initially adamant.他的反应开头很强硬。Far fewer people have applied for the visas than the government initially expected.申请签证的人数比政府原先预计的要少得多。It is an almost universal truth that the more we are promoted in a job, the less we actually exercise the skills we initially used to perform it.这几乎是一条普遍的真理:我们在某一工作中越往上晋升,实际运用那些当初在工作中经常实践的技能的机会就越少。It is a universal truth that the more we are promoted in a job, the less we exercise the skills we initially used to perform it.我们在工作中越往上晋升,那些最初的工作技能就用得越少,这是明摆着的普遍事实。It turned out that the situation was not as serious as we had initially believed.原来局势没有我们开始认为的那样严峻。Special preferences were offered initially to encourage investment.给予特殊优先权最初是为了鼓励投资。It is necessary initially to classify the headaches into certain types.首先,必须将头痛分为几个类型。He had initially thought Byrnes too soft with the Russians.原先他还以为伯恩斯对俄国人过于手软呢。Stan initially wanted to go to medical school.斯坦最初想进医学院。Management initially put forward a number of proposals which were wholly unacceptable to the union.资方最初提出了几项工会根本无法接受的建议。They initially sought to blame others for the disaster.他们一开始想把这次失败的责任归咎他人。The work took longer than initially envisioned.这项工作需要的时间比最初设想的要长。When the story broke, the police initially refused to release any further details.这宗新闻作了报道之后,警方最初拒绝进一步透露详情。The gales may not be as bad as initially predicted.大风也许不像开始预报的那样猛烈。Psychiatrists initially train as doctors.精神病医生首先是作为医生接受培训的。I initially dismissed the idea out of hand.我起初不假思索地就否定了这个想法。 |