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词汇 inhabitants
例句 The inhabitants had deserted the town.居民们都离开了这座小镇。No billets shall be granted upon any of the inhabitants without their consent.除非得到居民同意,不得向他们发出为军人提供膳宿的命令。We passed through several deserted villages whose inhabitants had fled.我们经过几个废弃的村子,那里的居民都已逃走了。It represented for those early inhabitants stability, perpetuity and silence.对于那些早期居民而言,它代表着稳定、永恒与沉寂。Many of the inhabitants were displaced by the rising floodwaters.许多居民由于洪水上涨而离开了家园。They killed thousands of the inhabitants, whereof many were innocent children.他们杀害了数以千计的居民,其中许多是无辜的孩子。The city has more than a million inhabitants. 这座城市有一百多万居民。Most rhinoceroses are solitary inhabitants of open grassland, savanna, scrub forest, or marsh in eastern and southern Africa and tropical Asia.大多数犀牛孤居在宽阔的草原,热带的稀树大草原,灌木林或东南非和亚热带的沼泽里。Venetians feel more affinity with inhabitants of Vienna than with those of Rome.威尼斯人觉得与维也纳的居民关系比与罗马的人关系更亲密。Its inhabitants are a close and incestuous lot.该地居民紧密抱团,狭隘排外。He quartered his men on the inhabitants.他将士兵们安排在居民家中住宿。There are reports of a violent incident involving local inhabitants and US troops.有当地居民和美国部队卷入暴力事件的报告。Local inhabitants display their handicrafts on the wayside.当地居民在路边陈列他们的手工艺品。The island's inhabitants had no immunity to the diseases carried by the explorers and quickly succumbed.岛上居民对探险者携带的疾病没有免疫力,很快就病倒了。The policy hazarded the islands and put the lives of the inhabitants at risk.这项政策将这些岛屿和岛上的居民置于了危险的境地。For years the inhabitants of these islands have been repressed by the colonizers.多年来,这些岛屿上的居民一直受到殖民者的镇压。The inhabitants of the village are fighting the decision to close the school.村里的居民反对关闭学校的决定。Local inhabitants haven't the slightest doubt as to who is the rightful owner.对于谁是合法所有人这个问题,当地居民已是确信无疑了。Recent excavations testify to the presence of cultivated inhabitants on the hill during the Arthurian period.最近几次发掘证实了亚瑟王时期这座山上有农耕人口居住过。Over a third of their inhabitants backed the insurgents.这些区内超过三分之一的定居者支持叛乱分子。As fresh water is very scarce on the island, inhabitants use cisterns to store rain for use as fresh water.因为岛上淡水缺乏,岛上的住民便使用贮水器来收集雨水饮用。Hunger is the worst of all the many slings and arrows suffered by the poor inhabitants.饥饿是穷苦居民遭受的厄运中最难以忍受的。The island's earliest inhabitants came from India.岛上最早的居民来自印度。Urban inhabitants have to live with the characteristic noises of cities.城市居民不得不忍受都市特有的喧嚣。The invaders killed off all the inhabitants of the village.入侵者将全村的人杀光。The inhabitants of the island were friendly.岛上的居民十分友好。The government was in a weak position and unable to help the inhabitants of the region.政府软弱无能,无法对该地区的居民提供帮助。The old inhabitants are being crowded out by rich young professionals.这些老住户正在被年轻富有的职业人员挤走。The inhabitants, seized with terror, offered to surrender at discretion.胆战心惊的居民表示愿意无条件投降。She would never feel welcome in this city with its cold, unsmiling inhabitants.置身这个城市里冷漠、面无笑容的居民之中,她永远不会感到受欢迎。The inhabitants share a common inheritance of language and culture.居民们拥有共同的语言与文化遗产。This is a poor rural area, with only one doctor per 10,000 inhabitants.这是一个贫穷的农村地区,平均一万人中只有一名医生。The inhabitants of a village held land in common.同一村庄的居民共同拥有土地。They marched into town to the wild cheers of the inhabitants.他们在居民们狂热的欢呼声中迈步走进镇里。When military convoys lose vehicles to rebel mines, they usually burn the closest village and murder its inhabitants.当军事护卫队的车辆被叛军地雷炸毁后,他们往往会烧毁最近的村庄,并杀戮村里的居民。Men ran through the village burning houses and slaughtering the inhabitants.那些人冲进村子,烧毁房子,屠杀村民。Clearly, the early inhabitants of Australia had learnt complex techniques of navigation and mapping.显然,澳大利亚的早期居民已学会复杂的航海和地图绘制技术。The new town would have been unrecognisable to the original inhabitants.原来的居民可能会认不出这个崭新的城镇了。They settled the land, dispossessing many of its original inhabitants.他们在土地上定居,赶走了许多原来的居民。The wealthier inhabitants decamped to the suburbs.较富裕的居民逃到了郊区。




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