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词汇 arrogant
例句 He was arrogant and occasionally callous.他很傲慢,有时也很无情。He's an arrogant so-and-so.他是个傲慢自大的家伙。She was said to be proud and arrogant.据说她傲慢自大。Eliot was described by Lewis as arrogant, sly and insincere.艾略特被刘易斯说成为人傲慢、狡猾、虚伪。Our host was arrogant and offensive. How his sweet wife could tolerate such a horror was baffling.招待我们的男主人傲慢无礼。真不知道他温柔的妻子怎么能容忍这样一个讨厌的家伙。How arrogant of her to say that.她说那样的话,多么自以为是呀。That sounds arrogant, doesn't it?那话听起来很嚣张,是不是?He can be arrogant and forceful.他有时候会目空一切,言辞锋芒逼人。He was exactly the kind of arrogant, self-satisfied man I detest.他正是我讨厌的那种又自傲又自满的人。He was well-liked by the senior members of the firm, even though his colleagues found him standoffish and arrogant.他很受公司高层的欢迎,尽管他的同事觉得他冷漠傲慢。He's an arrogant, unlikable man.他是个傲慢的、不讨人喜欢的家伙。Her manner was reported as arrogant. = Her manner was reported to be arrogant. 据说她举止傲慢。What an arrogant little upstart!多么傲慢狂妄的小新贵!As long as most people are happy to have the monarchy, the abolitionist position is an arrogant fantasy.只要大多数人还乐意保留君主制,废除它的主张就是痴人说梦。He's so arrogant, he thinks he knows all the answers.他是那么自负,自以为什么都知道。Stop being so bloody arrogant!别摆出那副该死的傲慢样子!He gave an arrogant sneer.他露出傲慢轻蔑的笑容。He said that the press had misrepresented him as arrogant and bullying.他说新闻媒体把他歪曲成了一个傲慢而又霸道的人。He is insufferably smug and arrogant.他自鸣得意,骄横自大,让人难以忍受。It is an arrogant and elitist attitude.这是一种傲慢的精英主义态度。He's arrogant and domineering and never listens to anyone.他傲慢专横,从不听别人的意见。Kenneth is an arrogant, rude, social snob.肯尼斯是一个傲慢粗鲁只喜欢结交权贵的势利鬼。He found most of them insufferably arrogant.他发现他们当中大部分人都傲慢得让人难以忍受。I found him pugnacious and arrogant.我发现他咄咄逼人,傲慢无礼。Mr Sullivan seemed aghast at the prospect of losing his only daughter to this arrogant young man.沙利文先生对自己唯一的女儿将要被这位傲慢无礼的年轻人夺走,显得万分惊诧。The trainee foxed the arrogant instructor with a knotty problem.那位受训的队员故意用难题把傲慢的教练搞糊涂。She's first in her class, but she's not arrogant about it.她在班上排名第一,但她并没有因此而自大起来。I was an arrogant puritanical young prig.我当时是一个目中无人、自命不凡的年轻清教徒。I thought he was arrogant and domineering.我认为他这个人非常傲慢,而且控制欲很强。He is still addressing rallies in his usual tub-thumping, arrogant way.他在集会上讲话还是那样慷慨激昂,盛气凌人。Critics describe the mayor as an arrogant bully who hates to be contradicted.批评家把市长形容成盛气凌人的恶霸,讨厌别人顶撞他。Kenneth is an arrogant, rude social snob.肯尼思是一个傲慢自大、粗鲁无礼的势利小人。John is so arrogant that he thinks he is better than everyone else.约翰太骄傲自大,以为比谁都强。He is spoiled, arrogant and has a tendency towards snobbery.他被宠坏了,傲慢无礼,而且经常自命不凡。He still bristles at the suggestion that he is arrogant.只要有人暗示说他高傲自大,他仍然会暴跳如雷。The press misrepresented him as arrogant and bullying.新闻界把他歪曲成狂妄自大、恃强凌弱的人。The tone of his book is consistently negative, occasionally arrogant, and often superficial.他的书基调一贯是负面消极的,有时还有点儿傲慢自大,且常常流于肤浅。He is not an arrogant or boastful person.他这人既不妄自尊大,也不喜欢自吹自擂。The man is a lying, arrogant, backstabbing weasel.这个人是个满嘴谎话、傲慢自负、惯于背后捅刀的卑鄙小人。I didn't like him at all. I thought he was cool, aloof, and arrogant.我一点也不喜欢他。我觉得他这个人冷漠、疏远而且孤傲。




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