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词汇 in front
例句 Work, my ass! You just sit in front of the TV all day.工作?屁话!你整天都在看电视。The car in front of us is on tow - that's why we're going so slowly.我们前面的那辆车是被拖着走的——所以我们的车开得这么慢。He is the kind of musician who always performs best in front of a live audience.他是那种总能在现场观众面前发挥最高水平的音乐家。We sprawled in front of the fire and watched TV.我们伸开四肢躺在炉火前看电视。She just pulled out in front of me without indicating!她不发出任何信号就把车开到我前面!He sat pouting in front of her desk.他坐在她的书桌前,一副生气的样子。They spent all afternoon sitting in front of the tube. 他们整个下午都坐在电视机前看电视。He tipped the table over in front of him.他把面前的桌子打翻了。Ian stared at the blank sheet of paper in front of him.伊恩盯着面前的这张空白纸。The new soldiers were roll-called in front of their barracks.新兵在他们的营房前接受点名。A couple had a narrow escape when a tree fell just in front of their car.一对夫妇险些被一棵恰好倒在他们汽车前的大树砸死。There's a huge crowd of people milling around in front of the theater.一大群人在剧院门前转来转去。The villagers started to gather in front of the mosque.村民们开始在回教寺院前聚集。On a plate in front of him was piled a pyramid of biscuits.他面前的盘子里摆了一摞金字塔形的饼干。Singing in front of so many people was a real test of nerve.在这么多人面前唱歌真是对一个人勇气的考验。Kids get embarrassed if their Mums kiss them in front of their friends.小孩子如果当着朋友的面被妈妈亲吻,会显得很尴尬。He stepped in front of me, blocking my escape.他一步跨到我前面,挡住了我逃脱的去路。You are a one telling that joke in front of the priest.你真大胆,竟然在教士面前讲那样的笑话。There was a red mist in front of his eyes.他眼前笼罩着一层红雾。There was a pause while the barmaid set down two plates in front of us.酒吧女招待在我们面前摆放两个盘子时停顿了一下。They played in front of a packed house.他们的演出座无虚席。I'd rather have a quiet night in front of the TV.我宁愿看看电视,安安静静地过一个晚上。The car in front of me stalled and I missed the green.我前面的车抛锚,使我错过绿灯。There was a crowd of people in front of the town hall.市政大厅前有一群人。He deposited two beers in front of Wolfe.他把两瓶啤酒放在了沃尔夫的面前。She seems content to sit in front of the television all night.看来她愿意在电视机前坐个通宵。He's just a zombie sitting in front of the TV all day.他就像个呆子一样一整天都坐在电视机前面。A car drew up in front of the house.一辆小轿车在房子前面停下来。I spent the evening slumped in front of the TV.我整个晚上都慵懒地坐在电视机前。The back of a car appeared right in front of him.汽车尾部正对着他。There was a tall man standing in front of me, so I couldn't see what was happening.有个高个子男人站在我前面,所以我看不见发生了什么事。I hope I didn't embarrass you in front of your friends.希望我没有让你在朋友面前感到难堪。Some preliminary polls show him out in front.一些初步民意调查显示他处于领先位置。Holding your arms straight out in front of you, twist to the right and left.双臂向前平伸,接着转向身体左右两侧。She was lost in contemplation of the scene in front of her.她出神地望着眼前这一幕。She dropped off in front of the fire.他在炉火前睡着了。She stood in front of the misted-up mirror.她站在蒙着一层水汽的镜子前。He was gored to death in front of his family.他在家人眼前被抵死了。Come and dry off in front of this fire.到火前来烘烘干。There is a wall directly in front of the main entrance.主入口的正前方有一堵墙。




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