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词汇 arrived
例句 There were jubilant scenes as the ANC leader arrived.当非洲人国民大会领导人到达的时候,现场一片欢腾。When a rescuer arrived some time later, the bird was still there.过了一会儿营救人员赶到了,那只鸟还在那儿。I arrived a week ago.我一周前到的。They sang songs to keep up their morale until the rescuers arrived.他们唱起歌以保持士气,直到营救人员到来。Have the Scottish contingent arrived at the meeting yet?苏格兰代表团抵达会场了吗? By a stroke of luck, there were still a few tickets left when we arrived.我们运气真好,到达时还剩几张票。She arrived at the office early and checked her post.她早早地到了办公室,查收了一下邮件。They'd already left by the time we arrived.我们到达时他们已经离开了。A telegram from Uncle Fred arrived.弗雷德舅舅发的一封电报来了。She arrived early to secure a place at the front.为了能占个靠前的位置,她提早到了。They arrived late at the party.他们参加聚会到晚了。They arrived in Paris on Saturday evening.他们于星期六晚抵达巴黎。I arrived at the gates promptly at six o'clock.我六点钟准时到达大门口。The man I was relieving in the observation post was impatient when I arrived.在观察哨等我换班的那个士兵在我到达的时候显得不耐烦了。The soldiers held on in that isolated position until reinforcements arrived.士兵们坚守在那个孤立无援的阵地上,直至援兵到来。Do you remember how he arrived almost at the end of the cocktail party?你记得他在鸡尾酒会快结束的时候才到这件事吗?The bride arrived at the church in a rented limousine.新娘坐着一辆租来的豪华轿车来到了教堂。Has your sister's baby arrived yet?你姐姐的孩子出生了吗?Two uniformed officers arrived on the scene quickly.两个穿制服的警察很快来到了现场。It arrived in Britain with the first flux of immigrants.它随着第一批移民潮来到了英国。He arrived all bright-eyed and bushy-tailed.他神采奕奕地来了。It would be just as well to check that they've arrived.不如核查一下他们是否已经到达。We arrived late but we lucked out—there were still a few tickets left.我们来晚了,但运气不错,还剩了几张票。He arrived just after you called.就在你打电话之后他到了。When we arrived at her house Susan was very welcoming.我们到达苏珊家时,她非常热情。After weeks of planning, the big day finally arrived.准备了几个礼拜,大喜的日子终于到来了。We split up in Paris and arrived in England separately.我们在巴黎分手,各自抵达英国。She arrived weeping, dabbing her eyes with a tissue.她来的时候一边哭着,一边用纸巾抹着眼泪。The President arrived, followed by his personal bodyguard.总统来了,随行的是他的私人保镖。When I went for my first interview for this job I arrived extremely early.在参加这份工作的初次面试时,我到得非常早。The last post had arrived and there was no letter for her.最后一批邮件已到,但没有她的信。She lit the fire as soon as I arrived.我一到她就生了火。A trooper arrived at the gallop.一个骑兵策马飞奔而至。They left for Cambridge early and arrived at Cambridge before noon.他们一早出发前往剑桥,在中午之前到达。The police were waiting to pounce when he arrived at the airport.他到达机场时,警方正等着抓他。They have arrived in London en route to the US.他们在去美国的途中,现在已经到了伦敦。I thought they just arrived, but in actuality they'd been here for an hour.我以为他们刚到,但事实上他们已经到了一个小时了。Unfortunately it was sent second-class, so it hasn't arrived yet.不幸的是,它是作为二类邮件邮寄的,所以至今还没有寄到。She arrived just after breakfast.她刚好在早饭后到达。We just made it to the hospital before the baby arrived.我们才赶到医院,婴儿就出生了。




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