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词汇 ineffective
例句 A combination of ineffective management and inadequate investment brought about this collapse.管理不力,加上投资不足,导致了此次倒闭。An ineffective person should not be our leader.无能的人不该当我们的领导者。This is an ineffective method of controlling your dog.用这种方法控制你的狗不起作用。An all-female political section would have been operationally ineffective.一个由清一色的女性组成的政治部门工作起来将会毫无效率可言。The Senator's reaction was at best ineffective and at worst irresponsible.参议员的反应从最好的方面看是未能奏效,从最坏的方面看是不负责任。These measures proved to be ineffective.结果表明这些举措并不奏效。They made an ineffective attempt to get the rules changed.他们试图改变规则,但未成功。A more telling criticism of Davos is that it is ineffective.对达沃斯组织更有力的批评就是它起不了什么作用。The German tactics were so ineffective that Brazil had complete control in midfield.德国队的战术并不奏效,巴西队完全控制了中场。These policies have proved ineffective.事实证明这些政策并不奏效。The author castigated the prime minister as an ineffective leader.这位作家严厉谴责首相不称职。Simon accused his lawyer of being ineffective.西蒙指责他的律师能力不够。The government's approach has been ineffective in reducing unemployment.政府降低失业率的方法不力。These weapons are totally ineffective against tanks.这些武器在坦克面前根本不起作用。The treatment was ineffective against the disease.这种疗法对这个疾病无效。Various drugs have proved ineffective against the virus.事实证明各种药品都对这种病毒不起作用。Churning out pamphlets and booklets is ineffective if consumers cannot understand the messages.如果顾客不能领会其中的意思,那么大量印制小册子是没有用的。He dismissed the argument as ineffective.他认为该论点无效而没有采纳。She complained that Parliament had come to be an ineffective talking shop.她抱怨说议会已经成为没什么实际作用的清谈俱乐部。These policies failed because the government was weak and ineffective.这些政策失败了,因为政府软弱无力。The technique is at best ineffective and at worst dangerous.这个方法说轻一点是没有效果,说重一点是很危险。The air-conditioner was ineffective in such a crowded room.在挤那么多人的房间里空气调节器不起作用了。If they prove ineffective they should be demoted or asked to retire.如果事实证明他们已无力胜任,应该将他们降级或让他们退休。This kind of training is ineffective, and wasteful of scarce resources.这种训练没有效率,而且是对稀缺资源的浪费。Economic reform will continue to be painful and ineffective.经济改革仍将举步维艰,毫无成效。I sometimes feel that she is just totally ineffective in this job.有时我觉得她根本没有能力做这份工作。The contract was rendered ineffective by this careless wording.措辞不慎致使这份合同失效。Some dentists are convinced that the addition of fluoride in water is ineffective as a prophylactic treatment.有些牙医坚信在水中加氟化物不是有效的预防措施。Buller's actions have been rightly criticized as ineffective.布勒的行动被批评为未能奏效,这一批评很恰当。Furthermore, they claim that any such interference is completely ineffective.此外,他们还声称任何这样的干预都是完全无效的。It's time to take stock of what our government does and weed out the wasteful and ineffective programs.是时候对我们政府的施政进行检讨,并取消那些浪费金钱而无效率的计划了。The court is ineffective because it lacks the necessary enforcement machinery.法院效率低是因为缺乏必要的执行机构。The research will help governments to weed out ineffective aid schemes.这项研究将会帮助政府废除无效的援助计划。




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