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词汇 朱迪丝
例句 Judith was sitting in a rocking-chair by the window.朱迪丝正坐在窗户边的一张摇椅里。Her name was Judith, or Julie, or something.她的名字叫朱迪丝或朱莉什么的。Judith is always spot-on with her advice.朱迪丝的劝告总是对的。They were looking forward to the spread that Judith had prepared.他们都盼望着吃朱迪丝准备的那顿筵席。Judith outlived two of her three children.朱迪丝比她三个孩子中的两个活得长。We were surprised at the matter-of-fact way Judith described her husband's death.朱迪丝不动感情地描述丈夫的死亡让我们感到吃惊。That's Judith Croft, the CND woman.那个就是朱迪丝·克罗夫特, 核裁军运动女代表。Judith could vaguely remember her mother lying on the sofa.朱迪丝隐约记得她母亲躺在沙发上的情景。He had talked it through with Judith.他和朱迪丝就此深谈过。Judith was hovering in the doorway.朱迪丝在门口徘徊。Judith is married with four children.朱迪丝已经结婚了,有四个孩子。




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