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词汇 individually
例句 All newbies are offered an individually tailored training programme.为所有的网上新手都量身定做的训练程序。The children can work individually or in small groups.孩子们可以自己单独学习,也可以分小组学习。Rents are individually negotiated between landlord and tenant.租金由房东和房客单独协商。Pot the cuttings individually.把插条分别栽入盆中。The four monochrome prints are individually numbered and signed by the artist.四幅黑白图画被艺术家分别标号并签名。The mayor has been meeting with city council members individually.市长一直在分别会见市参议会委员。The related publications are far too numerous to list individually.相关出版物太多,没法一一列举。Each and every one of us was going to be scrutinised individually.我们所有人都要逐一接受检查。Each of us is individually responsible.我们各人都有自己的责任。Each case was assessed individually.对每一个案例分别进行了评估。Students can work individually, in pairs, or in groups.学生们可以单独、成对或分组工作。Each apple was individually wrapped in paper.每个苹果都用纸单独包着。Letters cannot be replied to individually.来信无法一一回复。The rabbits were housed individually.兔子被分开饲养。Each doll is crafted individually by specialists.每个布娃娃都是专业人员手工制作出来的。Keep the cheeses fresh by wrapping each one individually.把奶酪一块块单独包装以保鲜。The principal knew all the students individually.校长认识每个学生。I will speak individually to you later.我待会儿单独跟你谈。All newbies are offered an individually tailored training and development programme.每位新人都有量身定制的培训和发展计划。The children will first sing individually and then as a group.孩子们将首先独唱,然后再一起合唱。It would be impractical to attempt to acknowledge individually those many who have given us aid and advice.要想对许许多多给我们提供过帮助和建议的人分别表示谢意,恐怕有点不切实际。Ted hated parties, even gatherings of people he liked individually.特德讨厌各种派对,即便是他自己喜欢的人的聚会也不例外。Dublin people dress more individually than people in London or wherever.都柏林人比伦敦或任何其他地方的人都穿得有个性。The bridegroom thanked them all individually.新郎向他们一一道谢。Ted hated parties, even gatherings of people he liked individually.泰德不喜欢聚会,即使都是他喜欢的人,凑在一起他也受不了。Each student met individually with the teacher.每个学生都跟老师单独会面。Much thought is put into the mix, which is individually tailored to a client's needs.充分考虑各个因素,根据客户的需求量身定制了组合。Each family farms individually and reaps the benefit of its labor.各家经营各自的农场,收获各自的劳动成果。




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