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词汇 indiscretion
例句 Speeding is considered by most people to be a minor indiscretion.在多数人看来,超速行驶是一个小过失。He describes his drug use in college as just a youthful indiscretion. 他把自己在大学里吸毒轻描淡写地说成是年轻人犯的小错。She confessed that she had committed a minor sexual indiscretion.她承认自己在性关系方面犯有一次小过失。He had the indiscretion to talk about family matters in front of strangers.他轻率得在陌生人面前谈论家庭私事。He dismissed his past association with racist groups as a youthful indiscretion.他把过去自己和种族主义团体的联系称为是年轻人的行为不慎。They were embarrassed at his indiscretion in talking about family matters in front of strangers.他轻率地在陌生人面前大谈家庭私事,这使他们感到难堪。I was annoyed at her indiscretion.她的草率让我恼火。I instantly regretted my indiscretion and asked her to keep the news to herself.我立刻对自己的轻率感到后悔,请求她不要把消息告诉别人。How could he commit such an indiscretion?他怎么竟会做出这样不明智的事来呢?Jones was censured for indiscretion in leaking a secret report to the press.琼斯因轻率地向新闻界泄漏了一份机密报告而受到严厉批评。He has been criticized for showing indiscretion in his remarks. 他因说话轻率遭到了批评。Occasionally they paid for their indiscretion with their lives.有时他们要为自己的轻率付出生命的代价。He had committed a minor sexual indiscretion.他在性方面曾有一次不太检点。




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