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词汇 sounded
例句 Her speech sounded rather thin.她的演讲听上去颇为空洞。Rose sounded deeply troubled.罗斯听起来非常不安。A crash of thunder sounded in the distance.一声闷雷在远处响起。A motor horn sounded.有辆车鸣喇叭了。He sounded so sure of himself that I didn't bother to argue.他的话听起来那么有自信,我便没有再跟他争下去。A light rap sounded at the door.门上响起轻轻的叩门声。He sounded each syllable clearly.他清晰地发出了每个音节。Before his first round of discussions, Mr Baker sounded an optimistic note.在第一轮讨论开始前,贝克先生听上去比较乐观。Someone left a message for you-it sounded important.有人给你留了口信 - 听起来挺重要的。The plan sounded rather novel.这个计划听上去挺有新意。I couldn't see her face, but she sounded pretty annoyed.我看不到她的脸,但她听上去很恼火。The voice on the phone sounded unfamiliar.电话里的声音听上去很陌生。He sounded like an ill-tempered child.他听起来像一个脾气暴躁的孩子。The tax increase sounded the death knell for the business.税收增加为这家公司敲响了丧钟。She sounded as though she were on the verge of hysterics.她听上去似乎就要抓狂了。The music sounded tinny through the old speakers.音乐通过旧的扬声器,声音听上去尖细刺耳。I'm sorry if I sounded unfriendly on the phone - I was just tired.要是我在电话里听上去不友善的话,很对不起—我只是累了。They all sounded just as tickled.他们听起来好像都很愉快。He sounded absent, as if his deeper thoughts were elsewhere.他听起来心不在焉,好像在深入思考别的东西。The message I recorded for the answering machine sounded terrible when I played it back.我为电话答录机录制的留言播放出来后听起来糟糕透了。The recording sounded muddy.录音听不清楚。It sounded like a rather tame party.听上去这次宴会怪没劲儿的。At that moment a chime sounded from the front of the house.就在那时,房前传来一声铃。He sounded relaxed and confident.他听上去轻松又自信。His voice sounded threatening.他的话音里含着威胁。It might have been her fancy that he sounded almost rueful.也许他听起来几乎懊悔的口气只是她的胡思乱想。Maud sounded her on her willingness to take up the job.莫德试探了一下她是否愿意做这个工作。I must say, I mean, it sounded like er thingummyjig all over again without the politics.我得说,我的意思是,没有了政治后,那一切听上去又像,嗯,那个什么什么了。I called my dad and told him what has happened. He sounded really angry.我打电话给我爸爸告诉他发生的一切,他似乎大为光火。His reply sounded to me like a reproach.他的回答在我听来像是责备的话。Her story sounded rehearsed. 她对事情的描述听起来像是背诵。A red alert was sounded on the island as the storm approached.风暴来袭,岛上拉响了紧急警报。The round ended when the bell sounded.终场铃声响起来,这一回合就结束了。The voice sounded perfectly rational but what it was saying was completely mad.听声音倒是再清醒不过,说的内容却全是胡言乱语。His beeper sounded and he picked up the telephone.他寻呼机响了,于是他拿起了电话。Michelle sounded excited to hear from him.米歇尔对收到他的信好像很兴奋。The idea sounded a bit airy-fairy.这个想法听起来有些不切实际。He sounded his horn.他按了喇叭。When I told him what had happened, he sounded amused rather than annoyed.我把发生的事告诉他时,他似乎感到开心,而不是生气。The toll of the bells sounded throughout the village.缓缓的钟声响彻整个村子。




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