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词汇 independently
例句 They were working independently from/of one another.他们各自独立工作。The two departments operate independently of each other.两个部门独立经营。She had elderly parents who could no longer live independently.她的父母年事已高,再不能独立生活。Most elderly people prefer to live independently if they can.大多数老年人只要能够,都喜欢独立生活。He argued that ideas do not exist independently of the language that expresses them.他认为,思想不会脱离其语言表达形式而独立存在。The object of the exercise is to get you to think independently.这个活动的目的就是教你独立思考。We must train them to think independently.我们必须训练他们独立思考。Ceiling and wall lights can operate independently.吊灯和壁灯可单独开关。She's independently wealthy.她个人很富有。Each signal can operate quite independently of the others.每个信号可以完全独立地工作。The commission will operate independently of ministers.委员会将独立运作,不受各部部长管辖。Older children often like to operate independently.较年长的孩子通常都喜欢独立行事。The fish's eyes can work independently of each other.鱼的两只眼睛在转动时可以彼此不同步。This new evidence makes it clear that Rourke was acting independently of the others.这个新的证据清楚地表明,鲁尔克是独立于他人而行动的。I prefer to travel independently.我更喜欢自助游。An obligate parasite cannot live independently of its host.专性寄生物离开寄主无法存活。With a few exceptions, the students work well independently.除了几个例外,学生们都独立工作得很好。He had belief in tables and chairs existing as public objects independently of his sense impressions of them.他相信桌子椅子是独立于他感觉印象而存在的物质性客体。Some Western scientists believe that there are still a few cosmonauts of Russia operating independently in outer space.有一些西方科学家认为太空中还有一些俄国宇航员在独立运作。Employees must demonstrate competence in certain skills before they can work independently.员工必须证明自己具备某些技能才能独立工作。The group is run independently of college authorities.该小组独立于学院当局。He is independently wealthy.他靠自己的努力而致富。He is independently wealthy and lives an unconventional lifestyle.他富有且独立,生活方式异于常人。He continues to live independently despite his injuries.尽管多处有伤,他仍然独自生活。The studies were independently assessed by several researchers.几位研究者各自对这些研究进行了评估。Boys weren't mollycoddled and grew up to think and act independently.男孩子们没有被娇生惯养,长大后都能独立思考和行动。Once my child is writing independently, how can I help her become a more skillful speller?当我的孩子开始独立写作,我怎样才能够帮助她拼写得更熟练准确呢?She is extremely possessive about her university friends, and doesn't like them mixing independently with her workmates.她对自己大学时代的朋友占有欲非常强,不喜欢他们独自与她的同事交往。Margaret wanted to live independently, but would she ever manage it?玛格丽特想独立生活,但她能做到吗?Stiffness and flexion contractors were measured independently.硬直和屈曲收缩肌是分别测量的。The commission will operate independently of ministers.委员会将脱离内阁独立运作。Similar customs have developed independently in other areas.相似的风俗已经在其他地区分别发展起来。We aim to help disabled students to live and study independently.我们旨在帮助残疾学生尽可能独立地生活和学习。Every store is independently owned and operated.每家商店都是自有自营的。




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