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词汇 go home
例句 It takes considerable character not to just give up and go home.要做到不轻言放弃、不打道回府是需要很大勇气的。If you don't mind, I'd like to go home.如果你不介意的话,我要回家了。I think we might as well pack up and go home.我想我们还是打点行装回家好了。Right lads, let's pick up this lot and go home.好吧,小伙子们,让我们把这些东西收起来回家吧。Chris, you look like death warmed up, I think you'd better go home.克里斯,你看起来病得很厉害,我想你最好回家去。When I come to the end of the day, I'm glad to pack up my tools and go home.每天下班的时候,我都会高高兴兴地收起工具回家。I'm exhausted - I think I'll just go home and veg out in front of the TV tonight.我累死了——我想今晚就回家看看电视放松一下。It's okay for you to go home now.你现在可以回家了。We only go home to visit my folks once in a blue moon.我们难得回家去看我父母。When it started to rain, we took it as a sign that we should go home.天下起了雨,正好提示我们该回家了。It mind-blows him to know he can go home.得知能回家令他兴奋不已。Phoebe boards here during the week and goes home at weekends.菲比平时在这里吃住,周末回家。She was told to box up her things and go home.她被告知收拾东西走人。It was starting to snow and we thought we had better go home.天开始下雪了,我们就想,还是回家吧。Make sure the computers are all off before you go home.回家之前一定要把电脑都关掉。I'm going to go home and put my feet up.我要回家休息了。I've got to go home, but Lord knows I dread it.我必须得回家了,不过是个人都知道我很怕回去。It's late - I should go home now.天晚了—我现在该回家了。I might go home next month, but in any event, I'll be home for Christmas.我也许下个月回家,但无论如何,我会在家过圣诞节的。Hurray! It's time to go home.好啊!到回家的时间了。You cannot go home without visiting the fabled art collections of the Prado.普拉多美术馆充满传奇色彩的艺术藏品属于旅游时的必看之选。At length, the authorities allowed her to go home.当局终于允许她回家了。Sod this; let's go home.算了,我们回家吧。Say/Wave bye-bye, darling: it's time to go home.说再见吧/挥手道个别吧,宝贝儿,咱该回家了。The dog slid her head into my hand, at once to invite caress and to intimate with all due respect that it was time to go home.狗把她的头拱进我的手,既是邀我爱抚,同时又是以婉转的方式表示该回家了的意思。My stomach was playing up so I had to go home.我的胃很难受,所以只得回家。If you don't mind, I think I'd like to go home.如果你不介意的话,我想我要回家了。It's one o'clock, and it's such a bother to have to go home for lunch.一点钟了,还得回去吃中饭,真是件麻烦事儿。You'll have the boss to reckon with if you go home this early.如果你这么早回家,老板会找你麻烦的。It's time to go home now.现在就该回家了。I want to go home having won a game of football the same as you leave the ground and you want to go away with your team having won.你希望离开赛场的时候自己的球队取得了胜利,同样我也想赢了一场球赛再回家。I'm going to rattle through my work today so that I can go home early.我今天要尽快做完我的工作好早点回家。Let's wrap up the job and go home.让我们干完活回家去。Maybe we should just go home and take it easy tonight.也许我们今晚就应该回家休息一下。I just want to go home, take a bath, and go to bed - it's been one of those days.我只想回家,洗个澡,上床睡觉—这一天真倒霉。Whenever he goes home he visits his mother's grave.他每次回家都给母亲上坟。Bobby's being a real pain in the butt today. I wish he'd just go home.博比今天真烦人,我巴不得他回家算了。He can't go home right now, he is still cashing up.他现在还不能马上回家,他正在结算今天的现金收入账。It's half past two. I think we had better go home.现在两点半了。我想我们最好还是回家吧。Come on, let's call it a day and go home.好了,今天我们就到此为止,回家吧。




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