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词汇 inconsequential
例句 This is totally inconsequential with the message of Jesus.这个结果和耶稣的教导完全无关。He is very adamant about signing the peace treaty. Your opposing opinions will only prove inconsequential.他非常坚持要签和平协议,你的反对意见是无足轻重的。The details are inconsequential.这些细节无关宏旨。Seemingly inconsequential details can sometimes contain significant clues.表面上看来无关紧要的细节有时候可能包含重大的线索。His partisans argued that, as he made history come to life, his factual errors were inconsequential.他的支持者辩称,既然他让历史显得逼真,他那些事实错误就是无关紧要的。They spend so much time arguing the toss over inconsequential matters.他们花了这么多时间为一些鸡毛蒜皮的事情争论不休。Most of what she said was pretty inconsequential.她说的大部分内容无关紧要。He considered the sum inconsequential.他认为这笔款子微不足道。His opinion is inconsequential.他的意见微不足道。




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