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词汇 incompatible
例句 After we got married, we realized we were completely incompatible.我们婚后发现我俩完全格格不入。We were totally incompatible.我们完全合不来。These computers are incompatible with our present system.这些电脑与我们现在的系统不兼容。The two banks' computing systems were incompatible.这两家银行的计算机系统互不兼容。They've always seemed so incompatible - no wonder they're getting a divorce.他俩好像一直都合不来,难怪他们在闹离婚。Many institutions exchange information by hand because of incompatible computer systems.由于计算机系统不兼容,许多机构通过人工方式进行信息交换。Late hours are incompatible with health.熬夜则不会健康。When we started living together we realized how incompatible we were - our interests were so different.开始共同生活后,我们发现彼此是多么合不来——我们的兴趣差别太大了。After a week together on vacation it was clear that they were totally incompatible.他们度假相处了一个星期,很明显根本合不来。In her opinion, technocracy was not incompatible with democracy.在她看来,技术官僚主义与民主并不冲突。My parents always seemed incompatible to me, but they stayed together for over 40 years.在我看来,父母性格不合,但是他们一起过了四十多年。This conduct is completely incompatible with his role as a teacher.这种行为与他的教师身份完全不相配。His behavior has been incompatible with his role as head of state.他的行为与他的国家领袖身份不相称。Their personalities were incompatible.他们的性格合不来。Those two people are incompatible.那两个人合不来。The centre gives advice to women who find the demands of marriage and work incompatible.这个中心为那些觉得婚姻和工作互不相容的妇女提供建议。They feel strongly that their religion is incompatible with the political system.他们强烈地感到自己的宗教信仰与政治制度互不相容。Business interests are incompatible with public office.公职与商业利益是互不相容的。Economic growth and environmental regulations do not have to be incompatible goals.经济增长和环境法规的目标不一定互相抵触。Speed and safety are not necessarily incompatible.速度和安全未必不相容。Love and hate are not necessarily incompatible.爱与恨未必不能共存。We're completely incompatible - she's a neat freak, and I hate to clean.我们根本合不来。她有洁癖,我却讨厌打扫。The laser printer is incompatible with the new computer.这台激光打印机和新计算机不兼容。The two systems are mutually incompatible.这两种制度互不相容。This printer is incompatible with some PCs.这种打印机和某些个人电脑不兼容。Their interests were mutually incompatible.他们之间有利益冲突。Democracy is incompatible with excessive, bureaucratic regimentation of social life.受到过度的、官僚化的管制的社会生活中不存在民主。This made its mini-computers incompatible with its mainframes.这就使得它的微型计算机与它的大型主机不兼容。We didn't realize until too late that we were entirely incompatible.我们意识到根本合不来的时候已为时太晚了。His behaviour has been incompatible with his role as head of state.他的行为与他作为国家元首的身份不相称。I don't know why they ever got married. They're totally incompatible.我不知道他们为什么结婚,他们根本合不来。




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