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词汇 incidental
例句 We were able to stick to the main issue without incidental grievances being dragged in.没有了附带扯进去的牢骚话,我们就能够紧扣主题。You may incur some incidental expenses on the trip.你在旅途中可能要承担一些附加费用。This chapter is incidental to the plot.这一章是配合故事情节而写的。The playing of music proved to be incidental to the main business of the evening.音乐演奏成了当晚唱主角的商业活动的陪衬。Any incidental costs are chargeable to us.任何附加杂费可由我方支付。Drinking too much is almost incidental to bartending.当酒吧侍者几乎免不了饮酒过度。Help your students to separate important ideas in the text from incidental details.帮助学生区分课文中的主要观点和次要内容。Any resemblance of a character in this book to a living person is purely incidental.书中人物若与现实人物雷同,纯属巧合。Relocated employees received grants towards / toward incidental expenses like buying carpets.工作地点变动的雇员获得购买地毯等费用的杂项补助。Friends are only incidental to the principal purpose of our visit there.探访朋友只是我们去那儿访问的一个附带目的。At the bottom of the bill, you will notice various incidental expenses such as faxes.在账单底部,你会发现有传真等各项杂费。Try not to be distracted by incidental details.尽量不要为一些次要的枝节问题分心。Information skills are not merely incidental to the curriculum but central to it.信息获取技能绝不是课程中无关紧要的部分,而是核心内容。The puzzles are fun, but are incidental to the plot of the book.这些拼图游戏很有趣味,不过它们只是该书的附带情节。The concert is just for fun, really. Any profit we make from it will be purely incidental.这场音乐会只是为了好玩,真的。我们从中获得的任何益处纯粹是附带的收获。The Red Cross will provide money for food, housing, and incidental expenses.红十字会将为食物、住房以及其他杂费提供资金。He writes incidental music for plays.他给剧本配乐。It's just a risk incidental to the job.这只不过是这项工作附带的风险。




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