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词汇 in case of
例句 His insurance guaranteed him against money loss in case of fire.他保的险保障他万一遭受火灾时不受钱财损失。We bought in lots of tinned food in case of heavy snow.我们买了许多罐装食品以备大雪时用。We cannot waive this rule except in case of illness.我们一定要执行这项规定,但生病的情况可另作别论。You must familiarize yourself with the evacuation procedure in case of a fire.你必须了解遇火警时疏散人员的程序。We still have a reserve of food/food reserves in case of emergency.我们仍然还有储备粮/粮食储备以应付紧急情况。Blood becomes stickier to help coagulation in case of a cut.割伤的时候,血液会变得更为黏稠以助于凝结。The army was yesterday placed on a state of alert in case of more riots.军队昨天处于戒备状态以防出现更多的暴乱。That door is for use in case of fire.万一发生火灾,可用那扇门。You should aim to build up a cushion of money in case of emergencies.你应该尽量留一些应急的钱。There's a fire blanket on the kitchen wall in case of emergencies.厨房墙壁上挂有灭火毯作应急之用。We need a backup plan in case of emergency.我们要有一个应急预案。Leave your itinerary so that we can reach you in case of emergency.请把你的旅行计划留下来,以便我们在遇到急事时和你取得联系。They're both asleep upstairs, but you don't mind listening just in case of trouble, do you?他们都在楼上睡着了,但你不介意留神听着点以防万一吧?You should bring a waterproof jacket and strong boots in case of wet weather.你应带防水外套和结实的靴子,以防下雨。She keeps flashlights and candles handy in case of a blackout.她准备了电筒和蜡烛以防停电。Make sure bookcases are securely fixed to the wall in case of earthquake.一定把书架牢牢地固定在墙上以防地震。Take a spare tyre along in case of need.带只备用轮胎去,以备不时之需。The factory was a death trap with too few exits for the workers to use in case of a fire.那家工厂是个危险的地方,安全出口太少,万一发生火灾,工人难以逃生。A buffer stock of grain was held in case of emergency shortages.谷物已有缓冲存货,以备突发短缺之需。Many shops along the route have been boarded up in case of trouble.沿途很多商店的门窗都用木板封上了,以防不测。Make sure your policy covers you in case of medical emergency.一定要让你的保单涵盖紧急医疗事故险。I wanted to be sure in case of an emergency that we gave the right advice.我要确定的是,万一发生紧急情况我们能给出正确的建议。Roden had already constructed a rude cabin for himself and his family in case of necessity.罗登已为自己和家人搭好了一个简陋的小木屋,以备不时之需。You should always carry at least a little cash with you in case of an emergency.你至少总要带点现金以防万一。Many shops have been boarded up in case of trouble.许多商店都用木板封住了,以防有麻烦发生。Are you prepared to protect yourself in case of attack?你是否准备好在遭受袭击的时候进行自我保护?He held several thousand dollars back in case of an emergency.他攒了几千美元来以防万一。Use the emergency exit in case of fire.火灾发生时请使用紧急出口。Security forces have been put on standby in case of violence.安全部队已处于待命状态,以防出现暴力事件。All exits must be kept clear in case of fire or a bomb scare.所有出口必须保持畅通,以防有火灾或炸弹威吓发生。All exits must be kept clear in case of fire.所有出口都必须保持通畅,以防发生火灾。We need a backup team in case of emergencies.我们需要一支后援团队以防发生紧急情况。Allied troops begin maneuvers tomorrow to show how quickly forces could be mobilized in case of a new invasion.盟军明日演习,来展示一旦发生新的入侵,其集结速度之快。The wall was built along the river in case of floods.沿河筑了防护墙以防洪水。Grandma always kept a little of money tucked away in case of an emergency.奶奶总是藏点钱以备急用。A boat will be standing by in case of emergency.船只将做好准备,以免出现紧急情况。It is illegal to park on the hard shoulder except in case of emergency.除非是发生紧急情况,否则把车停在紧急停车道上是非法的。Airports are required to have backup from local fire brigades in case of a serious incident.机场需要有当地消防队作为后援,以防重大事件发生。




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