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词汇 in between
例句 The farmer knocked off the lumps of earth in between the blades of his plough.农夫把犁板片中间的泥块敲掉。The cats played in between the potted palms.猫儿们在一棵棵盆栽的棕榈树间玩耍。She found a small pool in between the rocks.她在岩石中间发现一个小水塘。The office has two desks with a table in between.办公室里摆着两张写字台,中间隔了一张桌子。Berlin was well known for its good living in between the two world wars.在两次世界大战之间,柏林生活的优裕是众所周知的。Put the two smaller vases on the ends and the big one in between.把两个较小的花瓶放在两端,大花瓶放在中间。I don't like being sandwiched in between my mother and my wife.我不喜欢被夹在母亲和妻子中间受气。Please work this old woman in between other appointments.请把这位老妇人安排在其他预约病人中间。Firmly secure the two uprights to opposite walls in the alcove and then fit the shelves in between them.先在两边墙壁的凹处固定住两根柱子,然后把搁板插进去装好。Try to space out your classes and study in between.设法将上课时间排开,当中进行温习。You shouldn't eat in between meals.你不该在两餐之间吃东西。He is neither a radical nor a conservative; he is somewhere in between.他既非激进派,亦非保守分子,而是多少介乎两者之间。There are fences in between all the houses.所有的房子之间都筑有篱笆。There was a revolting green slime in between the bathroom tiles.浴室的瓷砖缝里有一摊令人作呕的绿色黏液。Why don't you put the television in between the bookcase and the window?你干吗不把电视机放在书架和窗户之间的地方?Up to then, they'd merrily bashed out albums in between tours.直到那时,他们已经利用演出间隙轻松炮制出多张专辑。The car was sandwiched in between two trucks.那辆车被两辆卡车夹在当中。I've had a few jobs with long periods of unemployment in between.我做过几份工作,中间有几次失业了很长时间。Beetles tried to muscle in between his collar and his neck.甲虫想从他的衣领和脖子中间钻进去。We had a four-hour wait in Bangkok in between.其间我们还在曼谷等了四个小时。Rachel got in between Rob and Chris for a better view.雷切尔插在罗布和克里斯之间想看得更清楚些。A lot of students spend a year abroad in between school and university.许多学生在中学毕业后到上大学之前会在国外生活一年。When he woke, daylight was shining in between the curtains, and his fair-haired enchantress was gone.当他醒来时,阳光在窗帘中闪耀,他迷人的金发女郎已经离去。Enmity might set in between the two peoples.两国人民之间可能会产生敌意。Soldiers often say that the worst thing about fighting is not the moments of terror, but all the hours of tedium in between.士兵们常说,打仗最糟糕的不是感到恐惧的时刻,而是打仗间歇漫长而无聊的时光。She had learned from experience to take little rests in between her daily routine.经验告诉她在日常生活中要不时休息一下。




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