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词汇 arms
例句 They lay together in each other's arms.他们躺在彼此的臂弯里。Lori raised her arms over her head.洛莉把双手举过头顶。She ran toward me with her arms wide open. 她张开双臂向我跑来。I swooped her up in my arms.我突然抱住她。Brenda's knuckles were white as she gripped the arms of the chair.布伦达握紧椅子扶手时指关节都变白了。The crying child ran to his mother and collapsed in her arms.小男孩哭着向妈妈跑去,一头扑在了她的怀里。Lucy felt the warm sun on her bare arms.露西感觉得到温暖的阳光照在她裸露的双臂上。The girl is holding the baby in her arms.那姑娘抱着婴儿。The two sides are in agreement on the need for arms reduction.双方在有必要裁军的问题上意见一致。She gripped hard at the arms of her chair.她紧紧抓住椅子的扶手。She shivered and rubbed her arms vigorously.她颤抖着,使劲地搓着自己的胳膊。Mina lay back, her arms draped lazily over the cushions.米娜向后躺着,手臂懒懒地搁在靠垫上。Spiro spread his arms wide in a welcoming gesture.斯皮罗张开双臂,做出欢迎的姿势。My eyes drank in the sight of her long, browned arms and her flowing yellow hair.我的眼睛痴迷于她那古铜色长臂和飘逸的黄头发。After two days' exertions, it's the arms and hands that seize up, not the legs.两天的辛苦劳累过后,发僵的是胳膊和双手,腿倒没事。There's no mechanism for punishing arms exporters who break the rules.对违规的武器出口商实施惩罚尚无执行机制。She wrapped her arms around her knees.她用双臂抱住膝部。She had bare arms and a bare neck.她的胳臂和脖子都露在外面。I held her in my arms.我把她搂在了怀里。One helicopter gunship had been brought down by small-arms fire.一架武装直升机被轻武器火力击落。The man threw his arms out as he leapt.那个人伸开双臂跳跃。The two girls joined arms and sloshed through the mud together.两个女孩挽着胳膊,一道趟过了泥浆。The priest blessed the baby I held in my arms.牧师祈祷上帝赐福于我怀里的婴孩。She took her in her arms and tried to comfort her.她把她揽进怀里,尽力安慰她。The government has placed/put an embargo on arms shipments.政府已经下令禁运武器。She was imprisoned within his strong arms.她被他强壮的手臂搂着。There was a stained-glass window with the family coat of arms.有一扇饰有家族盾形纹章的彩色玻璃窗。Only certain members of the police force are allowed to carry arms.只有某些警察可以携带武器。The drug traffickers offered to lay down their arms.毒贩们主动提出放下武器。She grabbed me under my arms and dragged me into the motel room.她从我胳膊下面抓着我,把我拖进了汽车旅馆的房间里。Voters were up in arms over the new taxes.选民们极力反对新税法。An elderly woman, arms crossed, sang the descant.一位双臂交叉的老妇人演唱了高音部。They have turned on the supply of arms and ammunition.他们已开始提供武器弹药。The government has called on the terrorists to lay down their arms.政府要求恐怖分子放下武器。The two nations talked about arms control. 两国讨论了军备控制的问题。I was amazed by the length of the ape's arms. 类人猿手臂之长令我惊叹。She put her arms around his neck and kissed his cheek.她搂住他的脖子,亲吻他的脸。He spoke fondly of his old comrades in arms. 他深情地谈起自己的老战友。The capitalist system extracts huge profits from arms production at the tax-payers' expense.资本主义体制牺牲纳税人的利益,从武器生产中牟取暴利。He tightened his grip on her arms, making her wince.他用力抓住她的手臂,疼得她直往后退。




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