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词汇 in a state of
例句 The country is in a state of political turmoil.该国正处于政治动荡中。The military is in a state of preparedness.军队处于备战状态。We seem to live in a state of free-floating anxiety that can attach itself to anything.我们好像生活在游动性焦虑状态中,任何事情都能引起我们的焦虑。The factory was in a state of absolute organizational disarray.工厂处于极度的组织混乱之中。The country is in a state of political ferment.该国处于政治动荡之中。For several weeks students at the university have been in a state of unrest.几个星期以来,大学里的学生一直处于动乱之中。They waited in a state of feverish anxiety for their mother to come home.他们焦躁不安地等着母亲回家。I think I'm still in a state of shock.我觉得我仍然未从震惊状态中缓过神来。Education remains in a state of flux which will take some time to settle down.教育还处于不断变化中,需要一段时间才能稳定下来。We always left his office in a state of confusion.我们总是一头雾水地离开他的办公室。She found him in a state of undress.她发现他光着身子。Meg was in a state of fevered anticipation.梅格处于一种兴奋的期待中。The country is in a state of war. 国家正处于战争状态。They will be de facto in a state of war.他们实际上将进入战争状态。She lay in a state of suspended animation, waiting for dawnlight, when she would rise.她就那样呆呆地躺着,等待着黎明到来后起床。I was in a state of exhaustion after the long journey.这次长途旅行后我感到精疲力竭。The child was in a state of neglect.孩子处于无人照管的状态。Every cover showed a woman in a state of undress.每个封面上都有一名裸体女子。Fashion is always in a state of flux.流行式样总是处于不断变化之中。Language is in a state of constant flux. = Language is constantly in a state of flux. 语言处于不断的变化之中。Some animals, such as hedgehogs, exist in a state of suspended animation during the winter.有些动物,如刺猬,冬天生活在假死的状态中。Many hospitals are in a state of decay.许多医院如今都处于衰败状态。She was in a state of considerable agitation.她处于相当焦虑的状态。The whole city was in a state of ferment.整个城市处于动乱之中。They were in a state of shock after hearing the news. = They were in shock over the news.他们听到消息后很震惊。She was in a state of precarious health.她的健康状况不稳定。She continues to live in a state of denial.她继续生活在不被他人认可的状态下。He was in a state of mental and physical collapse.他身心崩溃。The driver was just sitting there in a state of shock.司机坐在那儿,简直惊呆了。The city was in a state of ferment after the election.选举过后,那座城市处于动乱状态。The city is in a state of siege.城市陷入包围。The whole office was in a state of disorder.整个办公室里凌乱不堪。The whole country is in a state of paralysis.全国都处于瘫痪状态中。The three kids lived in a state of terror.三个孩子生活在恐惧之中。He died in a state of grace. 他向上帝请求宽恕之后死去。The whole country has been in a state of political ferment for some months.几个月来,整个国家一直处于政治动荡状态。The house is in a state of neglect.这房子处于无人看管的状态。We always left his lectures in a state of confusion.我们听完他的课离开时总是糊里糊涂的。The news left me in a state of shock.这个消息让我大为震惊。Republicans were in a state of shock and turmoil after yesterday's election result.昨天的选举结果公布后,共和党人处于一片震惊和混乱中。




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