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词汇 in a state
例句 She teaches in a state university.她在一所州立大学任教。Our education programme is in a state of flux, as new approaches are being developed.随着各种新的教学法的发展,我们的教学计划也在不断地变化。They were in a state of shock/confusion. 他们处于震惊/困惑之中。The city was declared to be in a state of siege.该市被宣布处于封锁状态。Her life is in a state of complete chaos.她的生活混乱不堪。Humphrey is in a state psychiatric hospital after being convicted of beating his grandmother.汉弗莱殴打祖母的罪名被判成立以后,就进了一家州立精神病医院。Her mind was in a state of constant turmoil.她的脑子总是一片混乱。She lay in a state of suspended animation, waiting for dawnlight, when she would rise.她就那样呆呆地躺着,等待着黎明到来后起床。Every cover showed a woman in a state of undress.每个封面上都有一名裸体女子。We always left his office in a state of confusion.我们总是一头雾水地离开他的办公室。The poor woman was in a state until the lost child was found.在丢失的孩子未找到之前,这可怜的妇人一直焦急不安。I am always in a state of nerves on the eve of an examination.临考的前夕我总是非常紧张。He died in a state of grace. 他向上帝请求宽恕之后死去。They will be de facto in a state of war.他们实际上将进入战争状态。The country is in a state of political ferment.该国处于政治动荡之中。Many hospitals are in a state of decay.许多医院如今都处于衰败状态。The child was in a state of neglect.孩子处于无人照管的状态。He was in a state of religiose contrition.他处于宗教悔悟状态中。The whole country has been in a state of political ferment for some months.几个月来,整个国家一直处于政治动荡状态。He lived in a state of self-imposed isolation.他生活在自我孤立的状态中。Republicans were in a state of shock and turmoil after yesterday's election result.昨天的选举结果公布后,共和党人处于一片震惊和混乱中。He was in a state of acute depression.他急性抑郁症正在发作。Stephan called me in a state, saying he was thinking of killing himself.斯蒂芬打电话给我的时候非常苦恼,说想要自杀。Everyone is in a state of great excitement.每个人都十分激动。Some animals, such as hedgehogs, exist in a state of suspended animation during the winter.有些动物,如刺猬,冬天生活在假死的状态中。This agreement will be embedded in a state treaty to be signed soon.这个协议将被纳入即将签署的国家条约。The crowd was in a state of panic.人群惊恐万状。He arrived at my house in a state of shock, unable to tell me clearly what had happened.他来到我家,一副惊恐万状的样子,没法说清楚发生了什么事。I think I'm still in a state of shock.我觉得我仍然未从震惊状态中缓过神来。We're in a state of complete chaos here and I need a little time to sort myself out.我们这里正乱作一团,我需要一点时间来理清头绪。Some of the buildings were in a state of imminent collapse.有些大楼已摇摇欲坠。A body will continue in a state of rest unless acted upon.物体除非受到外力作用否则将继续处于静止状态。She continues to live in a state of denial.她继续生活在不被他人认可的状态下。The country was now in a state of war.该国正处在交战状态。The driver was just sitting there in a state of shock.司机坐在那儿,简直惊呆了。These children were in a state of virtual neglect.这些孩子实际上处于无人照管的状态。Is political culture, as some writers have suggested, in a state of collapse?政治文化是不是像某些作家所暗示的那样,处于崩溃的状态?Danny returned to Father's house in a state of intense agitation.丹尼极其焦虑不安地回到父亲的家。I was in a state of exhaustion after the long journey.这次长途旅行后我感到精疲力竭。The old railway station was in a state of dereliction.老火车站当时处于废弃状态。




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