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词汇 inadequate
例句 The basic problems of the inner-city underclass are inadequate housing and lack of jobs.老城区底层人群面临的基本问题是住房紧张和就业不足。Persistent damage or inadequate healing may lead to chronic lameness.反复受伤或治疗不当可导致长期跛足。Myers said that a two-year prison sentence for rape was totally unacceptable and inadequate.迈尔斯说,强奸罪被判入狱两年令人完全无法接受,而且也不恰当。Some shops gave wrong or inadequate advice when dispensing homeopathic medicines.有些药店在配顺势疗法的药时给出了错误或不当的建议。We were given very/woefully/wholly inadequate information.我们得到的信息非常/远远/完全不够。State help for the mentally handicapped is pitifully inadequate.国家给智障人士提供的帮助远远不够。State help for the mentally handicapped is pitifully inadequate.政府对有智力缺陷者提供的援助少得可怜。The causes of social distress include inadequate housing.造成社会困境的原因包括住房不足。The support systems to enable women to realize their potential at work are seriously inadequate.使妇女在工作中发挥潜力的支持体系严重不足。Her brother's success and popularity always made her feel inadequate.她哥哥的成功和声望总让她感觉自愧不如。The current arrangements for the care of severely mentally ill people are inadequate to meet their needs.目前对严重精神病患者的护理安排不足以满足他们的需要。The parking facilities are inadequate for a busy shopping centre.停车设施不足以应付这样一个热闹的购物中心。I felt inadequate to the task.我感到难以胜任这项任务。Supplies of food and medicines are inadequate.粮食和药品的供应不足。He makes me feel totally inadequate.他使我感到自己完全不胜任。Many travellers find that facilities for young children are often inadequate.许多游客认为供幼儿使用的设施往往不足。The results prove that regulation of the salmon farming industry is inadequate.结果证明对鲑鱼饲养行业的管理不够完善。Some shops gave wrong or inadequate advice when dispensing homeopathic medicines.有些药店在配发顺势疗法的药物时给出了错误或不当的建议。He represented that his salary was inadequate.他诉说自己的薪水偏低。The building's electrical system was completely inadequate.大楼的电力系统有严重缺陷。She was inadequate to the demands of the job.她无法达到这份工作的要求。The children have inadequate medical care and little formal education.这些孩子缺乏足够的医疗保健,也没受过什么正规的教育。This approach is wholly inadequate.这种方法根本不合适。The city is faced with inadequate housing and a lack of employment.这座城市面临住房不足和缺少就业岗位的问题。The crash was a direct result of inadequate navigational aids.坠机是导航不力的直接后果。Medical records were found to be grossly inadequate.病史记录被发现很不完善。I felt dreadfully inadequate.我感觉自己极不胜任。Facilities for washing and drying clothes are hopelessly inadequate in many hostels for the homeless.在许多为无家可归者建的收容所里,洗衣和干衣设备严重不足。I found her purely mechanical explanations inadequate.我发现她那些完全不动脑筋的解释很不充分。Most of the juvenile offences were caused by inadequate family upbringing.大多数的少年犯罪是由于缺乏家庭教育造成的。Funding of education had been grossly inadequate for years.教育资金多年来极为匮乏。Our resources may be inadequate to cover all possibilities.我们的资源可能不足以涵盖所有可能的方面。The town's recreational facilities were totally inadequate until the new sport center was built.在新的体育中心建成之前,镇上的娱乐设施极不完备。This computer is clearly inadequate for my needs.这台计算机显然不能满足我的需要。Many children at the school were found to be suffering from inadequate nutrition.学校里很多孩子被发现营养不良。I suddenly felt extremely inadequate as I compared myself to him.把我自己和他一比,我突然觉得自己根本不称职。He is a great tactician, but an inadequate strategist.他是一个伟大的战术家,但不是什么了不起的战略家。The population became used to braving out the harsh winter months with inadequate electricity and fuel supplies.民众已经习惯了在电力和燃料供应不足的情况下挺过严酷的冬季。Care facilities for the elderly are inadequate.老年人的护理设施很缺乏。The girl student realized that her answers were inadequate.女学生意识到自己的回答不合格。




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