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词汇 in action
例句 I've heard a lot about his dancing - I'd love to see him in action.我经常听人说起他的舞蹈天赋—我很想看他表演。You can visit the winery and see it in action.你可以参观葡萄酒厂,看它是如何运转的。After a two year break from baseball, he's finally back in action. 离开棒球运动两年之后,他终于又回到了赛场上。The king could finally see his ideas in action.国王终于可以看到他的想法付诸实施了。It's the first time I've seen Carol in action and she's very impressive.这是我第一次看到卡罗尔的表现,令人印象深刻。It's interesting to watch a good salesman in action.看一个出色的推销员卖东西是很有趣的。His father was killed in action in Vietnam.他的父亲在越战中阵亡。The fans have come to see their favorite players in action.球迷来看他们最喜欢的球员打比赛。He's missing in action, presumed dead.他在战斗中失踪,推测为阵亡。I have not yet seen the machines in action.我还没有见过这些机器运转。From the moment we saw her in action, we knew she would make her mark as a teacher.我们从见她上课的那一刻起,就知道她会成为一名好老师。Fournier was killed in action during the First World War.福尼尔在第一次世界大战期间阵亡。The motor is not yet in action.发动机还没开始运转。His brother was killed in action in Vietnam.他的弟弟在越战中阵亡。I hear that he's missing in action, presumed dead.我听说他在作战中失踪,据推定已经死亡。We came to the court to see our country's judicial system in action. 我们来到法院,了解我国司法制度的运转情况。I had been in action bombarding the Normandy coast.我参加过轰炸诺曼底海岸的行动。He'd been killed in action in Afghanistan.他在阿富汗阵亡了。He was reported missing in action.有报道说他在战斗中失踪了。Our baseball team was in action tonight.今晚我们的棒球队打出了水平。He is a very good table tennis player; you really ought to see him in action.他是个出色的乒乓球运动员,你实在应该看他打球。It was a rare pleasure to see him in action.看他打球是一种享受。Wounded in action, he was twice mentioned in dispatches.因为在作战中受伤,他曾两次在战报中受到表扬。He is a very good footballer; You ought to see him in action.他是一位出色的足球运动员,你应该看他踢球。The Australian player could be back in action within a few weeks.那名澳大利亚球员也许在几周之内就可以重返赛场了。The first tour will visit a handful of artisan food producers in action.第一个游览项目是拜访一些传统食品制作师,观看他们现场制作食品。Our thoughts will take shape in action.我们的想法将逐步付诸于行动。The advertisement shows two firefighters in action putting out a blaze.广告中出现两名救火员在扑灭大火的场景。I had seen him in action during the San José strike, and I was very impressed.我看到过他在圣何塞的罢工中的表现,对他印象很深刻。Gibson became famous in action movies.吉布森演动作片出了名。I'd like to see the new computer system in action.我希望看到新的计算机系统运行起来。Their plan has been in action for a year now.他们的计划已实施一年了。The documentary provides a behind-the-scenes glimpse of Congress in action.这部纪录片揭秘了国会运作当中的内幕。He was a man gentle in manner but firm in action.他是一个举止文雅但行动坚决的人。




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