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词汇 impulse
例句 My first impulse was to go straight to Henry and tell him my news, but on reflection I thought better of it.我第一个念头就是径直到亨利那里去告诉他我的消息,但考虑过后还是不说为好。Marge's first impulse was to run.玛吉的第一个念头就是跑。The erotic impulse is sublimated into art.将性冲动升华为艺术。I could feel the impulse to buy it overtaking me.我能够感到购买的冲动在支配自己。My first/initial impulse was to say no.我最初的念头是拒绝。The curtains were an impulse buy.窗帘是一时兴起买下的。He was egocentric, a man of impulse who expected those around him to serve him.他是个以自我为中心、易冲动的人,希望身边的人都为他服务。Shopping with a credit card can lead to impulse buying.刷卡购物会导致冲动消费。I used to act out of blind impulse when I was young.我年轻时常凭盲目的冲动行事。My first impulse was to say no.我的第一个念头就是拒绝。My first impulse was to run away.我的第一个念头就是逃跑。A neuron generates an electrical impulse.神经元产生电脉冲。It was an outfit that I had bought on impulse, and never worn.这是我一时冲动买的一套服装,从来没穿过。The sudden impulse had quite overmastered me.突如其来的冲动使我失去了自制。He was fighting the urge/impulse to laugh. 他竭力不让自己笑出来。My impulse is to sell up and go away.我一时冲动,想变卖财产,然后走人。Many people act on impulse without counting the cost.很多人不考虑后果就莽撞行事。The erotic impulse is sublimated into art.性冲动升华成了艺术。She decided on impulse to go to the museum.她一时兴起,决定去博物馆参观。I had to struggle against the impulse to laugh. 我不得不使劲压住想大笑的冲动。The autobiographical impulse is normal in old age.人到老年想写本自传是正常的。Supermarkets sell candy as impulse items at the checkout counter.超市在收款柜台摆放糖果,供顾客临时起意购买。She quit her job on a sudden impulse.她一时冲动辞了职。He bought a new camera on impulse.他一时冲动买了台新相机。Many teenagers have poor impulse control.许多青少年控制力差,易于冲动。Unable to resist the impulse, he glanced at the sea again.他抑制不住冲动,又向海面瞥了一眼。After lunch she decided on impulse to take a bath.午饭后她突然兴起,决定洗个澡。I've always avoided acting on impulse.我一直避免意气用事。It is the passions which provide the main impulse of music.激情是音乐创作的主要动力。Acting on impulse, he picked up the keys and slipped them into his pocket.他一时冲动,捡起钥匙偷偷塞进了自己的口袋。He had to resist the impulse to shout.他不得不抑制住大声叫喊的冲动。They display chocolates next to supermarket checkouts to encourage impulse buying.他们把巧克力放置在超市的收银口处以刺激冲动性购买。He still couldn't understand the impulse that had made him confide in Cassandra.他仍然难以理解是什么样的冲动使他向卡桑德拉吐露了秘密。I obeyed an impulse to pick up the phone.冲动之下我拿起了电话。The signing of the agreements will give an impulse to trade between the two countries.这些协议的签订会促进两国间的贸易。She gave in to an impulse and took the money.她忍不住拿了那笔钱。Some people will buy a pet on impulse without any idea of what is involved.有些人会因一时冲动买只宠物,而根本不去想这意味着什么。Wade resisted an impulse to smile.韦德强忍住想笑的冲动。My uncle bought the house on an impulse.我叔叔一时冲动买下了那房子。Consumers make a lot of impulse purchases.消费者常常冲动购物。




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