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These movies stand as an epitaph to the great director.这些影片是这位伟大导演的遗作。It makes a fitting epitaph to a great career.这成了一个伟大事业的最佳纪念。Joyce's epitaph on King Edward VIII乔伊斯为国王爱德华八世写的悼文He wanted these lines as his epitaph.他想把这些文字作为他的墓志铭。This catch phrase stands as an epitaph for the society that gave birth to this scandal.这句流行语给出现这条丑闻的社会下了定论。She wrote the perfect epitaph for the poet.她为诗人写了完美的悼词。As Wren's epitaph famously declares, the cathedral itself is his monument.众所周知,雷恩的墓志铭中写道,大教堂本身就是他的纪念碑。 |