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例句 This has had a devastating impact on the teaching of literature.这已对文学教育造成了灾难性的影响。The new management team has clearly had an impact.新的管理层显然是有作用的。It was difficult to measure the precise impact of the labor action.此次罢工影响几何,难以作出准确的评估。The front of the bus took the full impact of the crash.公共汽车的前部承受了碰撞带来的全部冲击力。This is not a purely academic exercise: it should have a real impact on the way we work.这不单纯是学术研究,而应该对我们的工作方式产生实质性的影响。This section explores how mothers resist the impact of poverty on the health of their children.本节探讨母亲们如何避免贫困影响孩子的健康。The engine is made to concertina in a head-on collision, cushioning the impact on the passenger cabin.发动机会在迎面碰撞中折叠成褶皱状,来减缓乘客受到的冲击。Levin was knocked unconscious by the impact.莱文被那记猛击打得失去了知觉。The impact sent glass flying in all directions.冲击力使玻璃四处飞散。The number of teardowns has an impact on the look and feel of a place.待拆房屋的数量影响着一个地方的容貌和给人的感觉。The financial impact on the town was staggering.对这个城镇造成的经济影响令人惊诧。Too much background detail tends to lessen the impact of the central image.过多的背景细节会弱化中心图像。The study investigates the impact of violent TV programming on children.该研究调查暴力电视节目对儿童的影响。The book had a huge impact when it first came out.这部书第一次出版时就产生了巨大影响。I paused to allow the full impact of this to register.我停下来以消化这一切带来的所有影响。The impact of the crash reduced the car to a third of its original length.撞车时的冲击力使车身变形,仅剩原长的三分之一。Scientists have not yet determined the full impact of the oil spill.科学家们还不清楚原油泄漏的全面影响。Many modern bullets produce an explosive effect upon impact.许多新式弹头命中时爆炸。The public is distressed about the potential economic impact of this move.公众对这一步骤可能产生的经济影响极为忧虑。The impact of the new legislation has been greatly overstated.新立法的影响被过分夸大了。We need to assess the impact on climate change.我们需要评估对气候变化的影响。Such schemes mean little unless they impact on people.这些计划没什么意义,除非它们对人民产生影响。They bend on impact instead of breaking but the material remembers its original shape and goes back to it.这些物件受到冲击会翘曲变形而不折断,但是这种材料会凭记忆恢复原来形状。The stress of her job is having a negative impact on her health. 她的工作压力正对她的健康产生负面影响。They are unsentimental about their impact on employees.他们理智地看待自己给员工所带来的影响。Reforms in agriculture, although slow, are beginning to have an impact.农业改革尽管缓慢,但开始产生了作用。The impact blew out some of the windows and the sea came rushing in.巨大的冲击力使一些窗户崩碎,海水涌了进来。The full impact of what he'd said hit me a few hours later.几个小时以后我才完全意识到他的话的整体影响。The delay may well have diminished the impact of their campaign.这一拖延完全可能削弱他们宣传活动的影响力。The impact of the property boom was first felt in the financial markets.金融市场最先感受到房地产繁荣所带来的影响。Many people will feel the impact of this decision. 许多人都将受到这个决定的影响。Society begins to have an impact on the developing child.社会开始对成长中的孩子产生影响。Activists want the government to invest in low-impact eco-tourist facilities.环保积极分子希望政府投资对环境影响不大的生态旅游设施。The impact of the accident gouged a big piece out of the wall.这次事故造成墙体脱落了一大块。The warhead exploded on impact with the ground.弹头在撞击地面时爆炸了。It will take a few more years to judge the impact of these ideas.要再花上几年的时间才能判断出这些想法的影响。The plane fragmented on impact.飞机受到撞击后解体。It is important to appreciate the wider impact and implications of this proposal.关键是要理解这项提议更广泛的影响和后果。The car's safety features include side-impact bars.这辆汽车的安全装置包括装有侧面防撞条。There's no doubt that lower energy prices are having some short-term impact on the stock market.能源价格降低无疑对股市造成了短期冲击。




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