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词汇 immediately
例句 It is written in simple language, immediately accessible to the reader.行文通俗,读者很容易理解。The settlers would arrive in a place and immediately stake out their territory.移民们到达一个地方后会立即用木桩标出属地。We called the doctor immediately.我们马上请来了医生。We need to leave immediately. 我们必须马上离开。I fell asleep almost immediately.我几乎立刻就睡着了。Tony immediately dropped into a crouch.托尼立即蹲了下来。I fell for Dan almost immediately.我对丹几乎是一见倾心。We hope that all these grievances/problems will be redressed immediately.我们希望所有这些冤屈/问题立即被纠正。If your passport has been stolen, report the theft to your nearest embassy immediately.如果护照被窃,就马上到最近的大使馆报失。The prime minister immediately struck back at his critics.首相立即对他的批评者进行反击。There is no emergency back-up immediately available.手头无法获得应急支持。The press had immediately scented a story.新闻界立刻就嗅出有题材了。Her good intentions were thwarted almost immediately.她的好心几乎马上被人拒绝了。The brain filters out perceptions that are not immediately useful to physical survival.大脑过滤掉对个体生存不产生直接作用的感知。If you see anything suspicious you should notify the police immediately.发现可疑情况应立即报告警方。He promised to deal with it immediately.他承诺立即处理此事。On the outskirts of the town, we saw a building that was immediately recognizable as a prison.在镇子的郊外,我们看到一座建筑,一望便知那是一座监狱。If you solve one problem another immediately pops up.你解决了一个问题,下一个问题又会立刻冒出来。In normal circumstances I would have resigned immediately.在正常情况下,我本会马上辞职的。Doctors immediately treated the patient.医生们立即对患者进行治疗。If you are unable to attend the interview, for whatever reason, you should inform us immediately.如果你不能参加面谈,不管什么原因,你应该立即通知我们。There were no lights on when I got home. That immediately set alarm bells ringing.我回到家时,屋里的灯没有亮着。这让我立即警觉起来。She immediately let fly at me with her shoe.她马上拿鞋子朝我扔了过来。He ate lunch and left just/right/immediately after.他吃完午饭就离开了。The boss immediately took a shine to the new secretary.老板一下子就对新秘书产生好感。Barry had joined the army immediately upon leaving school.巴里中学一毕业就参军了。Its appeal may not be immediately obvious to the uninitiated.不熟悉的人很难一下子体会到它的魅力。Each entry in the guide is brief and immediately comprehensible.指南中的每一条目都简明扼要、一目了然。She came in and fell immediately to work.她走进来,立即就开始埋头工作。He immediately threw a tantrum, screaming and stomping up and down like a child.他立即耍起性子来,像小孩似的跺着脚又叫又跳。I immediately sensed something was wrong.我即刻觉察出有些不对劲儿。A middle-aged couple were sitting immediately to my right.一对中年夫妇正紧挨着坐在我右手边。When mother saw my face, she knew immediately that something was wrong.母亲看到我的脸色,马上就知道出事情了。When she heard the news she immediately jumped on a plane to France.一听到这个消息,她立刻搭乘飞机飞往法国。It immediately brightened her mood and brought a smile to her face.这立刻让她心情开朗,满面笑容。The code is cross-referenced to a database which immediately details the nature of the target.代码通过互见指向一个能够立即详细解释目标性质的数据库。Return immediately you are done.事情一做完就回来。It was a brilliant idea, and I fastened on it immediately.这是一个好主意,我马上采用了它。If you smell gas in the apartment, call this number immediately.如果你在公寓里闻到有煤气味,就立即拨打这个电话。I was immediately enthused.我立即兴奋起来。




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