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词汇 row
例句 The children stood in a row against the wall.孩子们靠墙站成一排。The United States had no intention of backing down in its bitter row over farm subsidies.美国无意就激烈争吵的农产品补贴问题作出让步。There'll be the dickens of a row about this.这事儿将引起一场大吵大闹。A row of trees stands between the two houses.那两座房子之间有一排树。The pitcher whiffed three batters in a row.这名投手使三名击球手接连三击不中出局。If you try to keep him under control and tethered to your apron strings there will almost certainly be a row.如果你试图控制他,让他什么都听你的,十有八九你们会吵架。I had a real row with him. I tore into him.我和他大吵一架,把他狠狠地数落了一顿。In this state, with hundreds on death row, mercy is a rare commodity.在这个国家,数以百计的人关在死牢里,仁慈成了稀罕之物。After the row in a pub he drove off in a huff.在酒吧里吵了一架后,他气鼓鼓地开车走了。Three wins in a row ignited the team.三连胜使这个队伍士气大振。The administration clearly decided there was no mileage in provoking a huge row with Congress.显然,政府认定和国会大起冲突是没有好处的。You'll end up on skid row if you don't stop drinking so much.如果你不改掉酗酒毛病,最终会沦落为穷鬼的。The front row of chairs was reserved for local worthies.前面的一排椅子是为当地要人预留的。I sat in the front row and Mick sat behind.我坐在前排,米克坐在我后面。His eyes ran down the front row.他的目光扫视了一下第一排。He holds several plush posts in a row.他一下子兼了几个薪水优厚的职务。She paid him to row her across the river.她付钱让他划船送自己过河。We have front-row seats for the concert.我们有音乐会前排座的票。Why are those dogs kicking up such a row? Can't somebody keep them quiet?那几条狗为什么叫得这样凶?不能使它们安静下来?They pushed their way to the front row.他们挤到了前排。Teachers have a tough row to hoe in today's schools.在如今的学校里,老师们的工作很难做。He'd procured us seats in the front row.他帮我们弄到了前排的座位。Three-quarters of the people in this row have mice.这条街上四分之三的人家有老鼠。The dead elms have been replaced by a row of saplings.死去的榆树已被一排幼树取代。The pitcher gave the game away by walking four batters in a row.投手连续投出坏球,使四名击球手自由上垒而输掉了比赛。Just as the audience grew quiet, the unmistakable ring of a cellular phone emanated from the last row of the theater.观众刚静下来,明显的手机铃声便从剧院最后一排响起。The photographer stuck the shorter people in the front row.摄影师把较矮的人安插在前排。We've been trying to row with a longer stroke.我们一直在尝试更大幅度地划桨。This political row threatens to grow into a full-blown crisis.这场政治争端有可能演化为一场全面爆发的危机。We have seats in the front row.我们的座位在前排。We planted a row of shrubs to screen our backyard from the neighbors.我们种了一排灌木,这样就把自家后院和邻居家隔开了。The teacher told the children to stand in a row.老师叫孩子们站成一排。There is a row of houses immediately adjacent to the factory.有一排房子紧挨着工厂。We row a lot and we never have time on our own. I'm at my wits' end.我们经常争吵,从没有单独清静的时候,我真是没有办法了。I'm going to kick up a row if I don't get my money back.如果要不回我的钱来,我就大闹一场。She made/scored nine pars in a row.她一连打出了九个标准杆数。They took home the championship for the third year in a row.他们获得了主场的三连冠。She sat in the front row and took copious notes during the lecture.听讲座时,她坐在前排并记了大量笔记。A major political row over the European question had been brewing for some time.就欧洲问题的一场政治争论已酝酿了一段时间。The boatman refused to row him back.船夫拒绝划船送他回去。




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