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词汇 imagination
例句 Let your imagination take wing and explore the possibilities.放飞你的想象力,探索各种可能性。His fascinating characters are the products of a fertile imagination.他笔下那些具有魅力的人物,是丰富的创造力的产物。He played with great imagination and flair.他的演奏充满了瑰丽奇特的想象,显示出过人的才情。He tackled the job with a great deal of imagination, skill and cunning.他充分发挥想象力、技巧和聪明才智完成了这项工作。For the refugees, home exists only in their imagination.对于这些难民来说,家是遥不可及的事。The story ignited her imagination.这个故事激发了她的想象力。The author does not tell us what happens to the characters. We have to use our imagination.作者没有讲述这些人物的命运。我们只好发挥我们的想象力。I can still see her in my imagination.我在想象中依然能够看见她。My imagination was running riot.我的想象力在自由驰骋。It's a game that will challenge a child's imagination.这是测试孩子想象力的游戏。The poems grew out of her disturbed imagination.这些诗歌来源于她不安的想象。Her pictures caught my imagination.她的照片引起了我的遐想。Was it only her imagination playing tricks on her?真的只是她的想象在作怪吗?The work demanded boundless energy and theatrical imagination.这种工作需要具备无限的精力和夸张的想象力。When I paint I just give my imagination free rein.画画时我只是任凭想象自由驰骋。By no stretch of the imagination could Carl ever be called good-looking.无论如何卡尔都算不上英俊。Was she paying him a lot of attention or was it just my imagination?她是特别注意他呢,还是这一切只是我的臆想?His heart swells, and his imagination fires.他心潮起伏,浮想联翩。His brilliant performance captured the audience's imagination.他的精彩表演使观众为之神往。An art teacher once praised her imagination and sense of colour.一位美术老师曾表扬过她的想象力和色彩感。Children don't differentiate between imagination and reality.儿童无法将幻想与现实区分开来。One of poetry's functions is to unlock the imagination.诗歌的功能之一便是开启想象力。Bell inflected the musical line and varied his tone, his vibrato and his phrasing with a degree of imagination.贝尔以其想象力将乐谱转调,使音色、颤音和乐句划分变化多样。Long before I ever went there, Africa was alive in my imagination.早在我真正踏足之前很久,非洲就已在我的脑海中活灵活现了。He insists that these dangers are real and not just a figment of his imagination. 他坚持说这些危险是真实存在的,不是他凭想象虚构出来的。I think that tale is the product of your imagination.我想那故事是你想象出来的。His writing doesn't show the faintest flicker of imagination or originality.他的写作未表现出丝毫的想象力或原创性。A chess player must have a fertile imagination and rich sense of fantasy.一个棋手必须有丰富的想象力,并善于奇思妙想。My family wasn't wealthy by any stretch of the imagination.我家再怎么说也算不上富裕。These poems have helped kindle the imagination of generations of children.这些诗歌帮助激发了一代代儿童的想象力。I don't have a photograph with me so you'll have to use your imagination.我没带来照片。你得运用你的想象力了。His imagination so abstracted him that his name was called twice before he answered.他出神遐想,在名字被叫了两遍后才答应。He had a logical mind, and little imagination.他头脑很有逻辑,但缺乏想象力。His work displays a poverty of imagination.他的作品缺乏想象力。It's just a product of your fevered imagination!那只是你狂热想象的产物!His stories of foreign adventure captured my imagination.他所讲的外国历险故事使我心驰神往。His work displays a woeful lack of imagination.他的作品令人遗憾地显示出缺乏想像力。It could by no stretch of the imagination be seen as a victory.无论怎样异想天开也不能把这事看作是一次胜利。 Few albums have as much imagination and sparkle as this one.很少唱片有这张唱片这样的想象力和生气。Antonia is a woman with a vivid imagination.安东尼娅是个想象力丰富的女人。




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