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词汇 arise
例句 In a good marriage, both husband and wife work hard to solve any problems that arise.美满的婚姻中,夫妻双方会共同努力去解决出现的任何问题。His meteorological observations resulted in a theory of how tropical storms arise in the Gulf of Mexico.他对气象的观察得出了墨西哥湾热带风暴如何形成的理论。Questions about the journalist's sources arise naturally from such a controversial report.这样一篇有争议的报道自然引起人们对这名记者的消息来源的质疑。Part of her work is to counsel families when problems arise.她的部分工作是给出现问题的家庭提供指导。Difficulties arise where there's a difference of opinion.意见不一致时就比较难办了。More problems like those at the nuclear power plant are certain to arise.核电厂肯定还会出现那样的问题。The bank will lend us more money, should the need arise.如果有需要,银行会贷给我们更多的钱。The differences in size arise from the amount of sunshine each plant gets.大小有差别是因为每棵植物所获得的光照量不同。College Board officials said the difficulties arise more from socioeconomic than from ethnic differences.校董事会官员认为问题更多是由社会经济地位差异造成的,而非种族差异。Call this number if any unforeseen emergency should arise.如有意外紧急情况请打这个电话。You cannot tell when a vacancy will arise.什么时候会出现空缺可是难说的。Problems arise when the body's immune system is not functioning adequately.免疫系统不能充分发挥作用时,身体就会出现问题。Metabolic disorders arise from a variety of genetic defects involving chemical pathways within cells.代谢疾病的产生源自体内涉及化学通路的基因的缺陷。The committee has full powers to deal with any cases of malpractice that arise.该委员会全权处理出现的任何渎职事件。It's not beyond the bounds of possibility that a similar situation could arise again.再次出现类似的情况并非没有可能。The system can be switched to emergency power should the need arise.需要时该系统可以启用紧急供电。Out of the ashes of the economic shambles, a phoenix of recovery can arise.在经济废墟中可能孕育着经济复苏的苗头。Problems can arise when management structures are tinkered with.改进管理结构的过程中可能会产生问题。These problems were almost bound to arise.这些问题几乎注定了会出现。Conflicts must arise between the two moralities.两种不同的道德体系之间一定会产生冲突。Difficulties arise only when one or another party oversteps the limits.当有人超限时才会陷入困境。Lung cancer is just one of the many diseases that arise from smoking too many cigarettes.肺癌只是由吸烟太多引起的许多疾病之一。One complication which can arise is a prolapse.可能出现的一种并发症是脱垂。Problems arise if the parents' approach to discipline is inconsistent.如果家长对孩子的管束时宽时严就会出现问题。Problems arise when people in authority can't keep discipline.当权者无法维持秩序时麻烦来了。If problems do arise, I have an exit strategy.如果确实出现问题,我有办法脱身。There used to be a lot of disputes over land boundaries but nowadays such problems scarcely ever arise.以前地界纠纷频繁,但这种问题现在几乎没再发生。Unforeseen problems often arise.没有预料到的问题经常出现。The overwhelming majority of these mutant genes are harmful to the organisms in which they arise.这些突变基因中的绝大多数会对所在的有机体有害。Problems only arise when people overstretch themselves.只有当人们超负荷工作时才会出现问题。Plant out the spring cabbage whenever opportunities arise.一有机会就把春季卷心菜移种到地里。Difficulties arise when people fail to consult their colleagues.不跟同事商量就会出现问题。Some learning difficulties arise from the way children are taught.一些学习障碍源于对孩子的教育方式。He's a capable man. I'm sure he can deal with whatever problems arise.他是个能干的人,我相信不管有什么问题他都处理得了。The charges arise out of a long-running fraud enquiry by Merseyside police.这些指控是默西赛德郡警方对诈骗案进行长期调查后提出的。Once you have started the training you will not be allowed to leave, unless unforeseen circumstances arise.一旦开始接受训练,你就不能退出,除非出现意外情况。Whatever troubles arise, we'll have peace of mind amidst seeming chaos.无论出现什么样的麻烦,我们都会在貌似混乱的情形中保持平和的心态。Several interesting implications arise from these developments.这些新情况带来了几个有趣的结果。Noisome vapours arise from the mud left in the docks.难闻的蒸汽由船坞中余留的泥浆散发出来。A number of benefits arise from having a fitter body.拥有健康的体魄带来许多好处。




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