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词汇 ignored
例句 The warning signs of the disease are so subtle that they are often ignored.这种疾病的征兆不易察觉,因而往往被忽视。The group politely ignored her remark.这群人出于礼貌对她的话不加理会。Barry ignored my suggestion that he should try phoning her again.我叫巴里再打个电话给她试试看,他却没有理会。The judge ignored the prisoner's pleas for clemency. 法官没有接受犯人提出的从宽处理的请求。My attempts to be friendly were studiously ignored.我的友善举动被故意地忽视了。The mass media have ignored this important issue.大众传媒忽略了这一重要问题。She had been a great star once, but the fickle public now ignored her movies.她以前是位大明星,但喜好无常的公众现在已经不看她的影片了。Roger's ideas had been more or less ignored.罗杰的想法差不多被忽视了。This idea is not to be ignored or dogmatically dismissed.这个观点不应被忽视或者武断地摒弃。I had learnt that as a woman, if your talents are ignored at work, you must be assertive.我认识到,作为一名女性,如果在工作的地方你的才能得不到承认,那你必须要有自信。He cheerfully ignored medical advice which could have prolonged his life.他满不在乎地对可以延长他寿命的医嘱置之不理。Sometimes one is brought face to face with facts which cannot be ignored.有时候,一个人得面对一些不能忽视的事实。She ignored their threats and continued to do what she felt was right.她不理会他们的威胁,继续做她觉得正确的事。Our complaints were thrust aside and ignored.我们的投诉被搁在一边置之不理。Ear pain of any kind must never be ignored.决不要忽视耳部的任何疼痛。To be ignored like that was a real kick in the teeth.受到那样的冷落真是奇耻大辱。I went on talking and ignored his tears.我没管他在流泪,继续讲下去。Hill wilfully ignored the conventions of the banking world.希尔佯装对银行界的常规不管不顾。She ignored all my attempts at conversation.我每次尝试和她谈一谈,她都不理睬。The government had ignored his views on the subject.政府没有理睬他对这一问题的看法。The government seems to have ignored the findings of its own report.政府似乎忽视了自己报告中的那些发现。Rachel tried to give me that stuff about being ignored.雷切尔试图让我受到冷落,那种想法真是荒唐。The prohibition against firecrackers was widely ignored on the Fourth of July.不许放爆竹的禁令在独立纪念日广遭忽略。The MP ignored the barbs.这位下院议员不理会那些讥刺的话语。The mass media has ignored this important issue.大众传媒忽略了这一重要问题。I don't appreciate being ignored. 我不喜欢被人忽视。There was a growing resentment among inmates which the prison authorities had either failed to notice or just ignored.囚犯之间仇恨越来越深,可是监狱当局没有注意到,或者他们就是置之不理。He said that the police repeatedly ignored his warnings.他说警方一再无视他的警告。The government ignored the union's attempt at conciliation.政府不理睬工会想要和解的企图。She ignored me, which was a sure sign that she was mad at me.她不理我,这明显表示她在生我的气。In its push for economic growth it has ignored projects that would improve living standards.在努力实现经济增长之时,它忽略了那些能提高生活水平的项目。When they blamed him for the collapse of the bridge, he countered that his warnings about the bridge had been ignored.当他们因桥梁坍塌而谴责他时,他回应说他过去对此提出的警告无人理会。They ignored the official party line.他们忽略了政党的官方路线。Even the best of men ignored that simple rule.甚至最优秀的人也忽略了那条简单的规则。When he told her she looked familiar, she assumed it was just a come-on and ignored him.他说她看上去很面熟时,她认为他只是在勾引她,所以没理他。Her queries were rhetorical, and best ignored.她的质问只不过说说而已,最好不予理睬。I ignored the next doorbell chime, and the one after that.门铃响了第二下,之后又响了一下,我都没有理会。Safety guidelines had been blatantly ignored.安全规章被公然无视。She left without saying a word to me. How would you like it if someone ignored you that way? = How would you like being ignored that way? = How would you like to be ignored that way? 她走了,一句话都没有对我说。如果有人这样对你不理不睬,你会怎么想?I was so hyped up I totally ignored what he'd told me.我特别紧张,彻底忘了他嘱咐过我的话。




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