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词汇 ideals
例句 The new government has betrayed the ideals of the revolution.新政府背弃了革命的理想。A journalist should always live up to the ideals of truth, decency, and justice.记者必须始终践行真实、正直、正义的理想。Socialist ideals grew out of an earlier idea that all men are created equal.社会主义理想是从一项早期主张,即人人生来平等发展起来的。They still clung to the old ideals.他们依然固守着原来的理想。She adhered to her principles/ideals throughout her life.她终生对自己的原则/理想忠贞不渝。She's committed to liberal ideals.她忠于自由主义的理想。This latest proposal appears to veer in the direction of Democratic ideals.这项最新的提议似乎朝着民主党的理想这个方向偏移了。We fervently embraced the new revolutionary ideals.我们热切拥护这些新的革命理想。He did not enter the army because of his pacifist beliefs/ideals.出于和平主义信念/理想他没有参军。It can be difficult to reconcile your ideals with reality.要使你的理想与现实一致可能会有困难。Thatcher has always been a passionate believer in the ideals of a free market economy.撒切尔一向是自由市场经济这一理想的热情信奉者。The ideals to which you do adhere are not realized in the realm of matter.你矢志信奉的理想在这物质世界是不会变为事实的。We obviously share the same ideals.很显然,我们志同道合。But that didn't make her forsake her ideals.但是那并未使她放弃她的理想。Their system seems to combine the two ideals of strong government and proportional representation.他们的体制似乎是将强力政府与比例代表制这两种理想相结合了。He incarnates the nation's political ideals. = The nation's political ideals are incarnated in him.他身上体现了这个国家的政治理想。Sam was a real leader who had high moral ideals.萨姆胸怀崇高的道德理想,是真正的领袖人物。He intends to pursue his ideals of justice and human rights.他想要追求正义和人权的理想。My friends share democratic ideals with me.我的朋友们和我一样有民主思想。The organization has remained true to its ideals. 这一组织仍然坚持自己的理想。The hard core of the party has not lost sight of the original ideals.该党的中坚分子还没有忘记最初的理想。He avowed his commitment to Marxist ideals.他宣称对马克思主义理想矢志不渝。His ideals were somehow complicated with selfish interest.他的理想多少掺杂了自私的成分。He hasn't lived up to his high ideals.他没有达到自己的高标准。They share the same high ideals.他们有着同样高标准的行为准则。I wore the ring constantly until my fingers and my ideals outgrew it, which conveniently occurred at about the same time.我之前一直都戴着这枚戒指,后来手指变粗戴不下了,刚好这时我也已经不太喜欢它了。It was years before democratic ideals took root in that part of the world.民主理想用了数年时间才在世界的那个地区扎根They justify every villainy in the name of high ideals.他们打着实现远大理想的幌子为他们的每件恶行开脱。John still cleaves to his romantic ideals.约翰仍坚守他的浪漫理想。He is a man of lofty ideals.他是一个有崇高理想的人。Humanitarian ideals seem to have totally vanished.人道主义的理想似乎已经完全绝迹。He has high ideals, but often fails to live up to them.他有崇高的理想,但常常难以遵循。She was accused of betraying her political ideals.她被指责背弃了自己的政治理想。The party has watered down its ideals in order to appeal to the centre ground.为了吸引中间力量,该党已经淡化了其理想。We betray the ideals of our country when we support capital punishment.如果我们支持死刑,那就背弃了我们国家的理想。It was a bank that started out with grand ideas and lofty ideals.这是一家创办伊始抱有雄心壮志的银行。That principle is not in harmony with our ideals.那个原则与我们的理想不一致。He refuses to compromise any of his ideals.他不肯放弃任何一个为之奋斗的目标。Her actions comport with her ideals.她的行动和理想是一致的。It would be no exaggeration to say that there has been a total lack of system, since the reformers have sought to reconcile basically conflicting ideals.说这是一种完全无秩序的状态根本不是在夸大其词,因为改革者们在寻求调和本质上相矛盾的理想。




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