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词汇 iced
例句 The pool iced over for about a week.池塘冰封了大约一周。This glass of iced tea will refresh you.喝下这杯冰茶你会感到清凉。I've iced and decorated the cake.我在蛋糕上加了糖霜并做了裱花。We were all given little iced cakes.我们都得到了挂糖衣的小蛋糕。As the weather grew colder, the pond iced over.天气变冷了,池塘结了冰。I like iced beer.我喜欢喝冰过的啤酒。End off with an iced drink or hot cocoa or hot cider depending on the season.最后是来一杯冰镇饮料、热可可还是热苹果汁,要根据季节决定。The wings of the plane iced up during the storm.机翼在暴风雪中结冰了。The pond was iced over for most of the winter.这个池塘在冬天的大部分时间里都封冻着。She drank nothing stronger than iced tea.她没喝过比冰茶更浓的饮品。He had all his enemies iced.他把所有敌人都杀死了。Drivers faced a new danger as roads iced over when floodwater froze.洪水结冰后路面被冻住了,司机面临着新的危险。Schools were closed when the roads iced over.道路结冰,学校停课了。The wedding-cake was elaborately iced.结婚蛋糕上挂着一层精致的糖衣。The hostess iced the beer.女主人冷藏啤酒。We were all looking like Arctic travellers, well iced-up.我们浑身上下全是冰,看上去活像北极的旅行者。The iced tea was very sweet, as it is most everywhere in the South.冰茶非常甜,在南方几乎每一个地方都是这样。His refusal iced our enthusiasm.他的拒绝给我们的热情泼了冷水。The plane was delayed because the engine had iced up.飞机因引擎结冰而延误了。She fished the sugar packet out of her iced tea.她从冰茶里拎出糖包。The plane's engines had iced up.飞机的引擎结了冰。The iced tea was laced with vodka.冰茶里加了少量伏特加酒。He asked for a straw for his iced tea.他要一根吸管喝冰茶。The snow iced up and encrusted on the ground.雪在地面结成了一层冰。The car went into a slide on the iced road.汽车在结冰的路上打滑了。The last goal iced the game/win.最后的进球锁定了胜局。He said he had just iced two robbers.他说他刚刚干掉了两名劫犯。His persuasive talk iced the contract.他极有说服力的交谈确保了合同成功签订。




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