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词汇 hundreds of
例句 Storms caused power outages in hundreds of homes last night.风暴导致昨夜几百户家庭断电。There are so many people without jobs that companies receive hundreds of applications to each advertisement.没有工作的人很多,公司一登招聘启事就会收到数百封求职信。Riot police fired in the air and lashed out with clubs to disperse hundreds of demonstrators.防暴警察朝天开枪并挥舞警棍驱散数百名示威者。There are hundreds of different computer programs designed specifically for children.有几百种不同的电脑程序是专为儿童设计的。These cables carry electricity to hundreds of homes.这些电缆把电输送到千家万户。There were, without exaggeration, hundreds of applications for the job.不夸张地讲,有几百人申请这份工作。We have watched hundreds of small firms collapse over the last few years.最近几年,我们看到有数百家小公司倒闭。Squirrels bury hundreds of nuts, then dig them up in winter when food is scarce.松鼠把成百上千的坚果藏起来,然后在冬天食物缺乏的时候再挖出来吃。I wrote hundreds of begging letters to charities and businesses.我给慈善团体和商业机构写了几百封求助信。The shelf sagged under the weight of hundreds of volumes.在数百本书的重压下,书架向下凹陷了。Members of the tribe are spread out over hundreds of square miles.部落成员分散居住在好几百平方英里的地方。The new factory should provide employment for hundreds of workers.新工厂应能为数百名工人提供就业岗位。The drug will be useful to hundreds of thousands of infected people.这种药将惠及成千上万的感染者。The company made hundreds of employees redundant.这家公司裁减了数百名雇员。Authority was distributed among hundreds of petty leaders.职权由数百名小头头分掌。The magazine gave voice to hundreds of oppressed factory workers.这家杂志表达了数百名受压迫的工厂工人的呼声。The agency has overseen the placement of hundreds of children in loving homes.这家服务机构已经监管了几百名孩子在爱心之家的安置。The narrow quay was encumbered by hundreds of carts.狭窄的码头被数百辆手推车堵得水泄不通。They gypped us out of hundreds of dollars.他们从我们手里骗走了数百美元。There were hundreds of protesters, not a few of whom were women.有几百名示威者,其中不少是女性。I've been rejected hundreds of times, but if you don't try you never will get a job, will you?我被拒绝了无数次,但是如果你不去尝试,就永远找不到工作,你说呢?She might get hundreds of responses to her survey.她或许能收到数百份调查反馈。This needle should be good for hundreds of plays.这种唱针应当能够放音数百次。There are hundreds of prizes up for grabs.有几百个奖品等着大家去拿。The reporter made hundreds of telephone calls while researching the story.这名记者在调查那则报道时打了上百个电话。Towns developed along this trade route hundreds of years ago.几百年前就有城市沿着这条商路发展起来。Messy walkways and picnic tables are just some of the headaches caused by the hundreds of ducks that gather by the lake.脏乱的人行道和野餐桌只是聚在湖边的几百只鸭子弄出的其中一些令人头痛的事。The book has proved its worth by saving me hundreds of dollars.这本书帮我省了数百美元,证明了它的价值。The company's offices were besieged by hundreds of people who had holidays planned.公司的办公室被几百个已经计划好度假的人团团围住。We have seen hundreds of soldiers hitting the silk.我们看到过数以百计的士兵跳伞。For every person who complains, there are always hundreds of satisfied customers.数百位顾客中总有一位不满意的。The factories have begun furloughing hundreds of workers.这些工厂已经开始让数百名工人暂时下岗。Flames roared hundreds of feet into the air.火焰呼呼地蹿到了几百英尺的高空。The flooding forced hundreds of residents to flee their homes.洪水迫使成百上千的居民逃离家园。Many of the farming families have lived here for hundreds of years, and tend to treat everyone else as strangers.许多农户在这里生活了几百年,总认为别人都是外乡人。He's got hundreds of songs that are just mega.他有数百首很棒的歌。Ferreting about in the Museum, he stumbled onto hundreds of original documents dusty with disuse.他在博物馆里东找西寻,偶然发现了几百篇长久不用的尘封的原始文件。The lawyer sifted through the hundreds of pages of testimony.律师对几百页的证词进行了筛查。The desert stretched for hundreds of miles in all directions.沙漠往四周延伸达数百英里。There are hundreds of miles of undefended border between the two countries.两国之间有长达数百英里的不设防边境。




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