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词汇 humour
例句 The originality of his humour made everyone laugh.他别开生面的幽默逗得大家发笑。This is only cheap jocosity, not real humour.这只是不值钱的打趣,并非真正的幽默。The discerning reader will appreciate the subtleties of Boyd's humour.有眼光的读者会欣赏博伊德幽默的微妙之处。Peter seems serious but he actually has a good sense of humour.彼得看似不苟言笑,其实他很有幽默感。The book has occasional flashes of humour.这本书个别地方写得挺逗的。Milligan's anarchic humour has always had the power to offend as well as entertain.米里根幽默起来从来是毫无顾忌,让人既生气又好笑。His colleagues soon got fed up with his schoolboy humour.他的同事很快就厌倦了他那种幼稚的玩笑。She tells the story of that night with self-deprecating humour.她以幽默自嘲的口吻讲述那一夜的故事。With wry humour, they laugh at their misfortunes.他们对自己的倒霉事儿加以揶揄。Obviously I overestimated your sense of humour.显然你没有我想的那么幽默。The humour of the novel cannot hide an undertow of sadness.小说中的幽默掩藏不住悲伤的情绪。His infectious humour dragged me out of my black musings.他那富有感染力的诙谐使我摆脱了阴郁的沉思。He writes with a simplicity that is coupled with humour.他写作的风格于质朴中见幽默。He failed to see the humour of the situation.他未能理解这一情景的幽默之处。Men often mask their true feelings with humour.男人常常用幽默来掩饰他们真实的情感。The humour of the situation had everyone laughing.那种滑稽的处境使大家都笑了起来。There was nothing to do but humour her when she's in one of those moods.当她处于这样的心境时,只能迁就她。One of the things I like about John is his sense of humour.我喜欢约翰的一点就是他的幽默感。The humour of it takes a bit of finding.其中的幽默非细细体会不可。The accent of humour characterizes his writings.幽默构成了他作品的特色。Her good humour was restored by the excellent meal.丰盛的大餐使她恢复了好心情。The soldiers did not bother to moderate their coarse humour in her presence.她在的时候,士兵们还是照样说粗俗的笑话,都懒得收敛。John was bursting with ideas and good humour.约翰主意多,脾气好。American Christianity doesn't have much of a sense of humour.美国基督教没有什么幽默感。Even a speech on a serious subject should be leavened with a little humour.即使是一篇题目很严肃的演讲也应该包含一些幽默的内容在里面。There are moments of unintentional humour.有几个并非出于本意的引人发笑之处。The series `Seinfeld' is observational humour at its best.系列剧《宋飞正传》极形象地展示了观察到的幽默。Much of the humour of the book was unfortunately lost in translation.可惜的是这本书的许多幽默之处在翻译中丢失了。Her humour often crosses the boundaries of good taste.她开玩笑经常开过头。Sharon tells the story of that night with self-deprecating humour.沙伦以幽默自嘲的口吻讲述那一夜的故事。I think you need a really good sense of humour to carry off something like this.应对这样的事情,我觉得你要有很强的幽默感才行。They worked themselves to death but never lost their humour.他们累死累活地干活,但却从没有丢掉幽默感。This book is suffused with Shaw's characteristic wry Irish humour.这本书充满了萧伯纳特有的冷嘲式爱尔兰幽默。What attracted me to Valery was her humour.瓦莱丽吸引我的是她的幽默。The band display their twisted sense of humour on songs like 'Die Dead Die'.该乐队在《死,死了,死》等歌曲中展示他们怪异独特的幽默感。She is a fan of his outrageous humour.她喜欢他无所顾忌的幽默。He seemed to take most things with a sense of humour.他似乎能以一种幽默态度去对待大多数事物。The remarks were made in good humour.这番话是在心情颇好的情况下说的。A sense of humour animates every page of his book.幽默感使他作品的每一页都妙趣横生。There is a grain of humour in his remarks.他的话语带几分诙谐。




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