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词汇 howls
例句 There were cries/howls of protest when the verdict was announced.裁决宣布时出现了一阵反对的呼喊声。The prime minister's reply was met with howls of laughter from the opposition front bench.首相的回答引起了反对党前座议员的阵阵哄笑。There were howls and screams, rocks were thrown and out of the scrimmage the police came running.那里大叫大喊,石块乱飞,警察从混战中跑了出来。The proposal has provoked howls of Gallic indignation.该提议令法国人义愤填膺。His stories caused howls of laughter.他的故事引起了阵阵狂笑。He leaves his dog shut up in the house all day, and we can hear its howls.他一整天都把他的狗关在屋子里,我们能听到它的嚎叫声。We heard the dog's howls.我们听见了狗的吠声。The announcement provoked howls of outrage.这一通告激起了愤怒的咆哮。There were howls from the audience.观众发出阵阵大笑。His comments were met with howls of outrage.他的评论引起了阵阵愤怒的叫喊。




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