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词汇 howled
例句 The wind howled in the trees.风在树林中呼啸。The baby howled, its face creased and pink.宝宝哭叫的时候,小脸皱起来,红红的。The trapped animal howled distressingly.被困的动物令人揪心地号叫着。The speaker was howled down by his audience.演说者被听众轰下了台。The audience howled with laughter. 观众放声大笑。The wolves howled all night.那些狼彻夜嗥叫。The crowd howled, delirious.人群疯狂地大笑。The crowd howled its approval.人群高声欢呼,以示赞同。The angry crowd howled its disapproval.愤怒的人群怒吼着表示不答应。Somewhere in the streets beyond a dog suddenly howled, baying at the moon.远处的街上,有只狗突然对月长嚎起来。The president was howled down by hundreds of opponents.总统的讲话被数百名反对人士的怒喝声压过。The crowd howled, delirious.人群笑声震天,欣喜若狂。The audience roared/shrieked/howled with laughter.观众们哈哈大笑/尖声狂笑/放声大笑。A bitter wind howled through the empty streets.寒风在空荡荡的大街上呼啸而过。The wind howled and the waves crashed against the rocks.风呼啸着,海浪撞击着岩石。A lone wolf howled under the full moon.一匹孤狼在满月下嗥叫。He howled like a wounded animal as blood spurted from the gash.当血从伤口中喷出时,他像一只受伤的动物一样嚎叫起来。A dog suddenly howled, baying at the moon.一只狗突然对着月亮狂吠不止。In the distance, a wolf howled mournfully.在远处,一头狼在哀嚎。The dog howled over his master's body.狗趴在主人的尸体上嚎叫。The wolf clawed at the tree and howled the whole night.这匹狼用爪子挠着树,嚎叫了整晚。Leeds fans howled in anguish as Arsenal scored another goal.阿森纳队又踢进一球,利兹队的球迷痛苦地嚎叫了起来。Someone howled out my name.有人大声喊叫我的名字。The president was howled down by the crowd.总统的声音被人群的叫喊声淹没了。The wind howled all night, but I slept a little.风整夜怒号着,但我还是睡了一会儿。The wind howled through the trees.风呜呜作响地刮过树林。Joe, Pink, and Booker howled with delight.乔、平克和布克愉快地大笑起来。The crowd howled its approval.人群叫喊着表示赞成。The wind howled fiercely.狂风怒号。They howled with laughter at their own jokes.他们说着自己的笑话,纵声大笑。




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