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词汇 academics
例句 Many literary academics simply parrot a set of impressive-sounding phrases.许多文人只是机械地模仿一套听上去令人印象深刻的说法。She is still waiting for some acknowledgement from her fellow academics.她仍在等待着学术界同仁的认可。Harvard has a formidable team of black academics, working under the leadership of Henry Louis Gates.哈佛大学有一支卓越的黑人教师队伍,由亨利·路易斯·盖茨领导。I felt very inferior among all those academics.与那些大学教师在一起,我自惭形秽。The worst thing about liberal academics is the pretence that they are somehow more open-minded than their opponents.自由派学者最糟糕的地方是他们假装比对手思想更开放。Beyond academics, Sadie is someone with a strong sense of social responsibility.在课堂学习之外,莎蒂也是一个具有强烈社会责任感的人。The book appeals to academics and to the general public.这本书对高校教师和普通大众都很有吸引力。These academics are world leaders in their respective fields.这些学者都是各自领域里世界级的领头人。This is a subject very dear to the hearts of academics up and down the country.这个话题举国上下的学者都非常关切。There was pressure on academics to construct narratives of the period that were positive.学者们面临压力,要对这一段时间的事件构建一个正面的陈述。A group of sympathetic academics has been drafted in by Lib Dem leaders to brainstorm.自由民主党领导人抽调了一批富有同情心的学者召开头脑风暴会。I noticed that most academics were writing papers during the summer.我注意到大多数高校老师夏天都在写文章。The association will consult with GPs, academics, patients, and politicians.协会将征求医生、学者、患者和政要们的意见。It is expected that the results of the research programme will be of interest not only to academics, but also to the government.预期该项研究计划的成果不仅会让学者感兴趣,而且也能让政府感兴趣。He only cares about sports. He has no interest in academics.他只喜欢运动,对学习毫无兴趣。The issue was debated by academics, and some sections of the quality press.这个问题在学术界,以及大报上的一些专栏引起了讨论。Many older academics turn their noses up at subjects such as Media and Film studies.许多年纪较大的学者都对大众传媒和电影研究这类学科嗤之以鼻。Study in that area had once been the exclusive/sole province of academics.那个领域的研究曾专属于高校科研人员。The two-day course features instruction by leading professionals and academics.为期两天的课程主要由知名教授和学者讲授。The committee is composed of MPs, doctors, academics and members of the public.委员会由议员、医生、学者和普通民众组成。His claims were later debunked by fellow academics.他的断言后来被学术界同行证明是错误的。Many academics remain unconvinced of the need for change.许多学者仍怀疑是否有变革的需要。The event was unique in bringing together politicians, business leaders, and academics.这个活动使政治家、商界领袖和学者聚集到一起,实属难得。The conference was attended by both government officials and prominent academics.出席会议的既有政府官员,也有学术界要人。




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