例句 |
The school has no connection with the museum.这所学校与博物馆没有关联。The interpretation bore no relation to the actual words spoken.这一阐释与实际所说的话没有关联。Two of them died from apparently unrelated causes.他们中的两个人死因似乎没有关联。Investigators found no connection between the two fires.调查人员发现这两起火灾没有关联。Police said the two deaths are not connected.警方说这两起死亡之间没有关联。Birth order and personality aren't connected.出生顺序和性格没有关联。There's no continuity between the parts of his book.他的书各个部分之间没有关联。The two robberies are said to be unconnected.据说两宗劫案没有关联。 |