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词汇 hometown
例句 After knocking about the world for a few years, he landed up teaching in his hometown.他在世界各地漫游了几年以后,最终回到故乡执教。He grew tired of the narrow provincialism of his hometown.他对家乡狭隘的地方主义感到厌烦了。I ran across several old friends when I went back to my hometown.我回老家时和几个老朋友不期而遇。The scenery in my hometown is beautiful past expression.我家乡的景色美得无法形容。The vice premier led a vulgar life in his hometown after he resigned.那位副总理辞职后在故乡过著平民生活。We asked Jason to write an essay about his hometown and about his place in it.我们让贾森写一篇有关他的家乡和他自己的家的短文。Fame and fortune notwithstanding, Donna never forgot her hometown.尽管名利双收,唐纳从未忘记自己的家乡。People get blasé about their hometown.人们都会厌倦自己的家乡。Of course, I'll marry you, even if it means living in your one-horse hometown.我当然会娶你,就算要在你偏僻的家乡生活我也愿意。The scenery in my hometown is beautiful beyond expression.我家乡的景色美得无法形容。His body was buried in his hometown.他的遗体被安葬在他的故乡。She's written for her hometown newspaper.她为家乡的一份报纸撰稿。He enjoyed the fair land scape of his hometown.他喜欢家乡的美丽风光。She returned to her hometown to stay after college.大学毕业后,她返回了家乡。He left his hometown and went to try his luck alone in the capital.他背井离乡,只身去首都碰碰运气。Theresa had another idea. We would hitchhike to her hometown, and live in her brother's garage特蕾莎另有个主意。我们可以沿路搭便车到她的家乡,然后住在她哥哥的车库里。I dreamed about my hometown.我梦见我的家乡。The beautiful scenery carried me back to my hometown.美丽的景色使我想起了自己的家乡。Her article asserts that hometown boosterism keeps people from assessing the crime problem accurately.她的文章指出,对家乡的狂热支持使得人们难以恰当地评价犯罪问题。He has a reputation for being courageous in his hometown.他在家乡以勇敢闻名。Her hometown has happy associations for her.她的故乡使她产生种种美好的联想。His teeth went and his hair got thin, but six months back in the hometown he was as right as rain.他齿落发稀,然而回到故乡半年又完全恢复了正常。The band takes/gets its name from its hometown.这支乐队以他们的故乡命名。She has a strong feeling of connectedness to her hometown.她对家乡有很强的归属感。My hometown is 100 miles away from here.我的家乡离这里有一百英里路。She left her hometown, attracted to the glamour of the big city.被大都市的繁华所吸引,她离开了她的家乡。He was born in Miami, but he considers New York his hometown since he's lived there most of his life.他出生在迈阿密,但却将纽约视作自己的故乡,因为他一生的大部分时间都生活在那里。The Barenaked Ladies were greeted as hometown heroes and milked it.裸体女郎乐队被当作故乡英雄受到欢迎,他们也利用这一点大捞好处。I went to work as a painter in my hometown, Natrona Heights, Pennsylvania.我在家乡宾夕法尼亚州的纳特罗纳海茨当了个油漆匠。Throughout their marriage my parents disagreed about whether to stay in their hometown or not.我父母自结婚那天起,就一直为要不要留在家乡的城镇上居住而意见不一。She longed to leave her dreary hometown.她渴望离开她那沉闷的家乡。She never tires of talking about her hometown.她总是津津乐道地谈论自己的故乡。By train from Shanghai to my hometown there is at least one change.从上海乘火车到我的家乡,路上至少要换一次车。She has a great affection for her hometown.她对家乡怀有深厚的感情。




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