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词汇 hoisted
例句 He hoisted the dead weight over his shoulder.他把那死沉的重物扛到了肩上。The Campbell government has been hoisted by its own petard by a lot of its pre-election rhetoric.坎贝尔政府为谋求当选而说的许多空话已经使其自食其果。Grabbing the side of the bunk, he hoisted himself to a sitting position.他抓住铺位的床沿,坐起身来。A group of youths hoisted their flag on top of the disputed monument.一群年轻人将他们的旗帜升到那座备受争议的纪念碑顶上。Wayne hoisted himself up onto the truck.韦恩爬上了卡车。They hoisted the fish inboard.他们把鱼吊在船舱里。Tim hoisted the boy onto his shoulders.蒂姆把那个男孩举到自己的肩膀上。The cargo was hoisted on to the ship.货物被吊到了船上。A flag was hoisted on top of the building.大楼顶上升起一面旗帜。The engine was hoisted out with a winch.绞车吊起了发动机。The new Namibian flag was hoisted up the flagpole.纳米比亚的新国旗升上了旗杆。The crowd hoisted him onto their shoulders and carried him triumphantly down the main street.人群把他举到肩上,意气风发地抬着走在大街上。The cargo was hoisted up onto the ship.货物被吊装上船。The bridge was hoisted into place by crane.桥被起重机吊装到位了。A helicopter hoisted the final section of the bridge into place.直升机将桥梁的最后一部分吊装到位。They hoisted Henry to their shoulders in shouting triumph.他们把亨利抬到肩膀上,欢呼着胜利。I found handholds and hoisted myself along.我找到了可以抓住的支点攀爬了上去。I finally hoisted him up with a block and tackle.我最终用滑轮组把他拉了上去。Joe picked up the sack and hoisted it onto the truck.乔拎起麻袋,把它举到卡车上。With some difficulty he hoisted her onto his shoulders.他费了些力气才把她扛到自己肩上。With Stone sweating up on the halyards and Melissa grinding the sheet winch, they hoisted sail.斯通费力地弄着升降索,梅利莎摇着帆脚索手柄,他们两人把帆升了起来。The rebels hoisted the white flag of surrender.叛军升起了白旗投降。The steel girders were hoisted into place and securely welded.钢梁吊装到位并被焊牢。I hoisted my bundle over my shoulder.我把包裹提起来放在肩上。Then a crane hoisted him on to the platform.然后一台升降机将他送到了舞台上。She hoisted a last-second shot that would have won the game if it had gone in.她最后一秒投篮,如果进了就可以绝杀。The American flag was hoisted.美国国旗升了起来。The table had to be taken apart and hoisted through the window before it was reassembled.桌子得被拆开,通过窗户吊进来,然后再重新组装。




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