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词汇 hobby
例句 His hobby is recording birdsong.他业余爱好是录制鸟鸣声。Developing your own photographs can be an absorbing hobby.自己冲洗照片会是个很吸引人的爱好。It started as a hobby, but it got so addictive I had to keep on doing it.开始时只是爱好,但它让人如此着迷,我只得继续下去。His secret hobby: performing magic tricks.他私底下有变戏法的嗜好。His hobby is freefall parachuting.他的业余爱好是自由下落式跳伞。He has a hobby for storing up sayings in his mind.他有背诵格言的癖好。He pursued his hobby of collecting old almanacs for so many years.许多年来他一直保持著收集旧历书的嗜好。Wood engraving is a very relaxing hobby.制作木版画是一项令人很放松的爱好。His new hobby seems to be taking his mind off his work.看来,他新的业余爱好分散了他对工作的注意力。Angela's hobby is restoring vintage motorcycles.安吉拉的业余爱好是修复老爷摩托车。My hobby is fishing.我的业余爱好是钓鱼。Cooking is her favourite / favorite hobby.烹调是她最喜欢的消遣。I never saw my song-writing as anything more than a hobby until recently.我以前一直把创作歌曲当成一种消遣爱好,直到最近才有所改变。Landscape photography is her hobby.她喜欢拍摄风景。Reading children's literature is a hobby with him.他业余时间爱读儿童文学消遣。His hobby is sailing.他的业余爱好是航海。Find a hobby or interest which enthuses you.培养一个自己喜欢的爱好或兴趣。She spent every available dollar on her hobby.她把赚到的钱都花在了她的业余爱好上。Stamp collecting has been a hobby of mine ever since I was a child.自小集邮就一直是我的爱好。He decided to turn his hobby into a lucrative sideline.他决定把自己的爱好变成赚钱的副业。I finally got fed up with being a golf widow and decided to find a hobby of my own.先生成天打高尔夫,留下我独守空房,最后我受够了,决定要找个自己的爱好。Many elderly people need to get out more, and often a new hobby works wonders.许多老人需要多出去走走,有一个新的爱好往往有意想不到的效果。His hobby is collecting butterfly specimens.他的业余爱好是采集蝴蝶标本。Her company has evolved from a hobby into a thriving business.她的公司已从开始的业余消遣逐步发展成了兴旺的事业。My hobby is woodwork.我的业余爱好是做木工活儿。Her hobby mushroomed into a thriving business.她的业余爱好很快发展成了红火的生意。Nigel's hobby is collecting rare books.奈杰尔爱好收集珍本图书。Photography can be an expensive hobby.摄影会是一项费钱的爱好。It is only a hobby, not a life or death struggle.这只是一项爱好,不需要拼死拼活地努力。She has found a new hobby in her retirement.她退休后找到了一个新的消遣。He devotes every spare moment to his hobby.他把自己每一刻空闲时间都花在了业余爱好上。I'm looking for a hobby that doesn't require a lot of fancy equipment.我正在寻找一种不需要很多复杂设备的爱好。Why don't you take up a new hobby?你为什么不找一样新的消遣 ?He collects postcards as a hobby.他把收集明信片当成业余爱好。Painting is a favorite hobby of the idle rich.画画是有钱的闲人最喜欢的爱好。Take up a relaxing hobby, such as knitting.培养一种能放松身心的爱好,比如编织。It is our task to convince the multitudes that we are pursuing a lawful hobby in a lawful way.我们的任务是要让民众相信,我们是在用合法的方式来从事一种合法的爱好。His favorite hobby was woodworking.做木工活儿是他最大的爱好。It started as a hobby and grew from there.开始时只是出于兴趣,后来便一发而不可收。I'm a carpenter by vocation, but my hobby is painting.我的职业是木匠,但我的爱好是绘画。




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