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He twisted an ankle and hobbled off the field.他扭伤了脚踝,一瘸一拐地下了球场。He has been hobbled by a knee injury.他一直因膝盖有伤而行动不便。The President was hobbled by congressional resistance.总统因国会的抵制而受掣肘。Josh manoeuvred himself out of bed and hobbled to the door.乔希小心地下了床,一瘸一拐地朝门口走去。She is sometimes hobbled by self-doubt.她有时被自我怀疑所束缚。Many start-ups are hobbled by a lack of sufficient capital.很多新公司由于缺乏足够的资金而陷入困境。Aunt Sophy hobbled slowly across the room on her crutches.索菲姑妈撑着一副拐杖在房间里蹒跚而行。She picked up her cane and hobbled across the room.她拾起拐杖,一瘸一拐地穿过房间。Suzuki hobbled around for about a minute before getting back in the batter's box.铃木一瘸一拐走了大约一分钟才回到击球区。I cursed and hobbled to my feet.我咒骂着一瘸一拐地站起来。He got up slowly and hobbled over to the coffee table.他慢慢地站起来,一瘸一拐地走到咖啡桌旁。He hobbled over to the window.他一瘸一拐地走到窗前。The whole organization has been hobbled by mismanagement.管理不善阻碍了整个机构的发展。A long list of amendments have hobbled the new legislation.一长串修正案限制了这项新立法。The old man hobbled along with the aid of his stick.那老人借助手杖蹒跚而行。The crippled ship hobbled into port.那艘故障船费力地驶进港口。The horse has been hobbled so that he can't run away.那马的脚被绑住了,所以牠无法逃走。 |